Chapter 30-2 Days Left

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Leah POV

I woke up from a successful nap before I headed downstairs. I didn't get much sleep when we were gone at Giorgia's house, so I had to make up for it. And I am glad to say that it was undisturbed as well.

I was still in my clothes from earlier on today as I walked to the entry. It looked a lot different from before. Decorations were all over the place, and I understood why Vlado always went to his mum for this kind of thing. I swear, Giorgia was a goddess when it came to party planning. Same with Clarke. But I definitely can't say the same for Vlado and Theo. No offense to them...but they sucked.

"Damn this place looks good." Mary's voice spoke, and I turned around and gave her a smile. "You guys did a really good job."

I shrugged. "All we did was plan it. I reckon the people who did a great job were the ones who put it up."

She gave me a cocky smirk and did a little hair flip. "Well, then you'll be happy to hear that I helped set everything up."

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Oh great, I just made your ego ten times bigger."

She nodded. "Oh, without a doubt." We both laughed, and it gave me a nostalgic feeling. It reminded me of how things used to be. So simple. I feel like she may think that I've moved on from the whole Lucas thing, but I haven't. And the truth is, I don't think I'll be able to, no matter how much I want to.

"Hey, you two." A familiar voice greeted and I turned to look at Vlado walking towards us. I gave him a smile and a small wave, and Mary just stayed silent.

"Hey, Vlado. What's up?" I asked, and I felt Mary become tense next to me. Uhh, ok then.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to ask you something." He looked at Mary. "Could I take her for a moment?" Mary huffed but nodded reluctantly. My eyebrows creased together at her weird change of behaviour, but I shook it off and walked with Vlado as he led us away from everyone. We walked for a few minutes in silence before we eventually reached his office. I hesitated for a moment as he strode inside but I followed him soon after and closed the door behind me.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?" I asked once I was sure the door was closed. I watched as Vlado moved to behind his desk. He looked down at it for a moment before back up at me.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted an important conversation between you and Mary, but I wanted to ask you something. Kind of a favour." He was hesitant as he began, but I just nodded for him to go on. "Well, usually for these types of events, I need to bring somebody with me."

"Oh, like a friend?"

"Like a date." My heart jumped unexpectedly. I had a feeling I knew where this was going, but I spoke cautiously.

"Are you asking me to be your date?" Vlado tubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Only if you want to. I don't want you to think you're forced to." He looked really nervous as he spoke, but I didn't really understand why.

"Do you think that I'll say no?" I asked as I edged closer to his desk. Vlado muttered something to himself, but I couldn't what it was.

"Well, I haven't exactly been pleasant around you. Like that time in the closet, and that one night." I knew exactly where he was coming from. Yeah, after those things, I was very cautious around him, and I was still kinda skeptical about him, but he hadn't given me any more reason to. He could've just been unable to hold back at those times. And the way he acted when I literally broke down in front of him wasn't mean. I mean, he carried me back so I could sleep on an actual bed instead of the kitchen floor. That wasn't rude. That was nice. And considerate.

"That's true," I began, "but it's not like you haven't tried to make up for it. So, yeah."

Vlado's nervous face dropped slightly and turned into one of hope. "'Yeah, you'll be my date', yeah? Or 'yeah, I haven't been pleasant around you and you will never be my date?'"

I giggled. "'Yeah, I'll be your date,' yeah." His whole face lit up at those words, and I felt my heart warm up at the look of happiness he was showing me.

"Fantastic, thank you so much. I'll get somebody to order a dress for you right now." He said quickly as he walked over to me. I couldn't get a word in as he rambled. "I swear, you won't regret this." I was stunned as he left a small kiss on my cheek and walked out of his office without another word. The door closed behind him and I was left there alone as my cheeks heated up.

What the hell just happened?

I stood there awkwardly for a couple more minutes before it felt too awkward.

Umm, ok then. Do I just leave, or..? Yeah, I'll go.

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