Chapter 50

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Leah POV

Something buzzed beside my ear, startling me awake. I groaned and grabbed my phone, looking at the caller ID blurrily before answering the call. "What."

"What's wrong, dormigliona? Why are you so sour this early?"  Vlado's captivating voice blew through my phone. Hearing his voice with my mind so foggy made me swoon, and I was tempted to get a recording and use it as my alarm. But if he found out, I'd probably never hear the end of it.

"You woke me up."

"So sorry, amore, but I need you at my office. Everyone else has left for the day, and I need to look after you."

I looked over at the other side of the room, and noticed Mary wasn't in her bed. "Fine. Bye."

"See you soon, amore."  The phone beeped, and I dragged myself out of bed, my blanket trailing behind me. I made my way down the hallway slowly, each step reminding me how tired I was. Finally, I made it to Vlado's office and walked right in.

He sat in front of his desk, and he smiled down at his work when he heard my light footsteps. "I thought I was going to have to start looking for you."

"You woke me up, so I deserve to take my time."

"Fair enough," he chuckled softly, gesturing to the chair opposite him, which I slumped into. I sneaked a look at his work, but quickly got bored of it. I looked around his office for something to do, but nothing stole my interest.

"What do I do?"

"Just sit there and look pretty. Shouldn't be much of an issue." Vlado grinned at the blush rising to my cheeks. "Talk to me. How has your week been so far?"

I grabbed the stapler off his desk, clicking it a few times. "Boring. I haven't been able to do anything without adult supervision."

Vlado deadpanned. "You mean protection."

"Right, protection from the scary toilet." I rolled my eyes. "I am incredibly grateful for your sacrifice."

"No need to gush, I can tell how much you appreciate it." He smiled down at his work, sparing me a cheeky glance. If I was asked to think of personality traits for a mob boss, goofy would not be one of them. "It's for your safety. I will not risk Lucas getting close to you again."

His voice was firm, and I didn't bother responding. We both knew what he said was true, and no amount of convincing would change that fact.

We settled for silence after that, finding comfort in each other's presence instead. I quickly got bored though. There was nothing for me to do aside from watching Vlado write. Watching his rings glint under the light from his lamp. His tattoos make short appearances from under his sleeves.

Damn it, this whole day was starting to get weird.

Desperate to think of anything else, I shuffled in my seat as I racked my brain for something to do. Suddenly, a thought broke through the misty cloud in my mind.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I broke the silence, standing from my seat and walking out the door. I kept one hand holding the blanket firmly on my shoulders, and the other clutching my phone underneath.

As soon as I closed the door, I slid down the halls, looking for the perfect place to hide. Eventually, I remembered the small utility closet that we held cleaning supplies in. He would never look there.

Setting a chair against the door and sitting down, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts.

"What's wrong, amore? Need some help in there?"

"Funny. Come find me."

Vlado spoke hesitantly. "In the bathroom?"

"I'm not in the bathroom. I'm hiding, come find me."

"Are you asking me to play hide and seek with you?"

"Yes. If you don't find me in the next ten minutes, I win."

"Win what?"

"I don't know, just start looking." I end the call, opening a game on my phone and starting my wait. Less than five minutes later, the door pushed open with ease, dragging me and the chair across the floor with it. The lights flicked on and blinded me momentarily, and I squinted up at the silhouette above me.

Vlado grinned. "Found you."

"How did you find me so quickly?"

"I tracked your phone." He stated simply as he stepped into the closet and closed the door, his chest bumping against mine slightly.

"That's not cool. Cheater."

He chuckled brightly, leaning closer to tease me further. "You didn't specify the rules, so I think it's fair."

"I need to specify the rules for hide and seek? Even children know the rules."

He didn't respond as he reached a hand up, playing with a loose strand of my hair. "Vlado? Are you even listening to me?"

"Afraid not. You'll have to repeat yourself." He stared down at me, something a lot like admiration in his beautiful eyes.

"Vlado..." I whispered when his hand brushed along my cheek slowly, his fingers frisking my neck. Vlado didn't respond, distracted once again.

In a surge of confidence, I leaned toward him, standing on my toes to reach his face. He began pulling back from me again, and I groaned. "Twice. Twice, Vlado."

"I'm sorry."

"What's going on? I thought you were interested in me."

"I am. I have been ever since I met you. I just don't want to rush you. You were kidnapped by your ex not long ago."

"I'm fine though."

"Things like that still have a big impact on people. You've been through so much, I just wanted you to have the chance to settle down before I made a move."

"Vlado." I said sternly. "Can you just let me kiss you?"

Vlado stared at me blankly, before he broke out in a smile. "If you insist--"

I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down before he could finish his sentence. His eyes were wide, but once our lips touched, his eyes fell shut and he grabbed my waist.

My tongue swiped against his lips, and he smiled and opened his mouth. His hands held me firm against his chest, and I let my hands drift across his broad shoulders.

Eventually, I pulled away, and I smiled at Vlado's breathlessness and swollen lips. "Wow."

I laughed. "Imagine you hadn't turned me down the first time."

Vlado grinned, and pulled me closer. "Maybe I can make up for that?" I laughed again, but it drowned in Vlado's kiss. The blanket fell from my shoulders, but I ignored it as I snaked my arms around his neck. He leaned down to kiss me deeper, and for the first time in a long time, a warm feeling blossomed in me. A beautiful feeling that promised something beautiful in return.

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