Chapter 35

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Hello, all! I just wanted to say I hope you all had a great New Year, and thank you for all of your patience. I'll try to upload at least one chapter every week, and if I do, this book will be finished in the next couple of months. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around this long to read this book, and I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Mary POV

Considering that Leah was my best friend, it was already difficult enough to keep secrets from her. But now with the biggest and most dangerous thing that I wanted to tell her, I'm not allowed to.

What the hell.

Leah is basically my sister, she knows everything about me. She knows when I'm lying, especially, so how could I keep this from her until Vlado grew the balls to tell her?

I swear, how do dudes in the mafia not have the guts to tell girls things and ask them out? Of course, I don't know every dude in the mafia, so who am I to judge? But I'm still gonna judge because I don't care.

I've almost told her multiple times. but every time I try to, one of Vlado's lackeys comes over and changes the topic.

I would tell them to fuck off, but they have guns. Like, real pew-pew guns, so I kinda have to let it slide. I knew I shouldn't have given up the one I found in Vlado's desk.

Maybe I can convince Clarke to give me hers.

* * * * * * * *

Vlado POV

"I'm not throwing another party."

"Let's be honest - you didn't really do anything. The girls planned it and then the others set it up." Theo chimed, but he shut up with a quiet glare.

"Vlado, you have to. The Semenov's are already agitated with the way the last party ended. How do you think they would react when you didn't throw another?" Romero tried to reason, but I just stared at him.

"Should I care?"

"If you care about losing yet another ally, then yes."

I thought for a moment. It was true, I should care about that, but Leah got attacked. She could have been taken, or worse. I have a lot of enemies, and the fact that she couldn't remember what the person looked like didn't help narrow it down.

As for the party, it was over. We may have been ditching the original location of the celebration, but it was done. The Semenov's weren't happy, but I didn't give a shit.

"That may be important, but so is the safety of our employees. And the fact that somebody had managed to ambush us would not ease our new allies."

"Bullshit." Romero groaned, standing up from his chair opposite mine. I didn't miss Theo's wide eyes glancing at Romero as he drew back, trying to stay out of the brewing argument. "You're just saying that because of your little crush."

I knew that there was a reason for Romero to get angry, but he was saying the wrong things right now.

"You know that is not the reason." I slowly stood from my seat, leaning against my hands on my desk. "The safety of those I employ is more important."

"Uh-huh, of those you employ? See, you say that is what's more important, but you know that's not true." My hands clenched as Romero kept saying the wrong things to say. "You know you wouldn't say that if it wasn't Leah."

"Watch what you say, Romero."

"What? You getting angry because it's true?"

"You know, we should probably calm down, maybe get some tea, turn on the radio and listen to some whale songs-"


"Gladly." Theo left without another word, making sure to close the door behind him.

"I do not want to put anyone else at risk. This time it was Leah, who could it be the next? I want to catch the people responsible."

"But the Semenov's would be on our side - on your side, and that matters. Then we could actually have more help in finding those who attacked Leah!" Romero shouted back. I was going to yell back louder but stopped to think.

He had a point. I was risking something important.

The Semenovs were an important and dangerous group of people that were good to have on my side.

I can't change that Leah got attacked, but I can help protect her. And the others, obviously.

I stayed silent as I thought. Everyone would be safer, including Leah, and it would be easier to find those responsible.

"I want extra people around the party to keep watch. Bring in people from around the place, I don't care who."


"Good. Now get out."

Smartly, he left without another word. If he hadn't, I don't know if I would be able to hold myself back from punching him.

I sat back down and turned to the window behind me. I was already questioning my actions at this point. Was this really the right choice? Leah may pack a punch, but she wouldn't be able to defend herself if confronted with a group of armed men.

But she would be fine. More people would be there for protection, so there would be no possible way for anyone who isn't allowed inside to get in. And if they somehow did, then someone inside would notice them.

Everything would be fine.

But if even the smallest thing went wrong, I would fix it. Personally.

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