Chapter 56 - Night Changes

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Angelo's POV

After a couple of hours where everyone is mingling and having a good time, Angelo pulls me to his side and asks for everyone to give us their attention.

Everyone looks at us expectantly.

Angelo makes a tiny speech, thanking everyone for coming, his tone and and demeanor calm and soft, and i can't help but admire his composure.

"That said......Marianne and i have something we want to share with all of you........" he says, his hand squeezing my upper arm into his side and i can literally see everyone start to whisper amongst themselves about what this could be.

"Baby, do you want to do the honors" he asks loudly.

"No no, go ahead" I smile back at him, biting my lip.

His smile widens, his eyes twinkling with joy as he bites his lower lip too, and turns to look at the guests.

"Will you spit it out already?" Angelo's dad utters impatiently, and the everyone erupts with laughter.

Angelo glances at me one more time before facing the guests again.

"Well..... Marianne and i wanted to share with you that, we are expecting" he says, his smirk turning into a smile the more he looks at the everyone.

I smile too, seeing everyone turn from surprise to delight.

The guys are the most excited, punching his shoulders and spurting absurdities and all kinds of vulgar statements, apparently in good faith to him.

My eyes sweep the area a little bit, before focusing on my Mom, her hand over her mouth.

"Expecting? Like a baby?" Lora asks suddenly.

"Yes" I chuckle.

Angelo detangles himself from the guys and interlaces his fingers with mine.

It's like suddenly the realisation hits her and Lora starts to cry as she comes to hug me and then him.

"Oh my God, Angelo, you are not kidding right? because if you are, i am literally going to die". She says to him.

"It's true right?" She asks me directly.

"Yes" I can't help the smile that forms from how happy she is.

"Ohh, honey, that is such wonderful news, you have no idea how long your father and i have waited, i was begining to think i will never see your children"

"Mom stop! you are embarrassing me" Angelo grumbles.


And just like that, everyone offers their congratulations, exhibiting happiness and excitement for us.

"I thought you were going to propose" Marco utters.

"Really?" I smile.

"To be honest, everyone thought you were going to propose" Andre adds and almost everyone grunts in agreement.

"Except me...i told you he wouldn't" Nick utters confidently.

"Why the hell would you think that?" I ask.

"It's a party Ange, you have never thrown a party before, you don't even like to have birthday parties. We figured something special was going to happen" Alana utters.

"I can't believe i will be a grandmother again." Lora murmurs happily.

"Calm down mom, this will not be your first grandchild" Ben utters iritably.

"Well, it will be my first grandchild with Angelo" she retorts.

"Grandchildren" I correct her.

"That's what i said"

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