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The soft airy music played as I hummed along to my favorite tune. I used my paintbrush to add one last stroke before standing back to look at my artwork. Perfect.

Painting brought me a sort of comfort. It helped me decompress after reading articles about how horrible my family and I are. We were greedy capitalists who profited off of the common folk. That's what the articles say, not me.

"Ms. Solana. Your father wants to know what time will you allow the glam team to come for the ball tonight." Eartha smiled.

"They can come now. I finally finished this." I smiled while showing her the canvas.

"Athena, you look a mess. Your hair is wild and you have paint all over you. Please get dressed so we can arrive at the ball on time." My father huffed while gazing over my room. "You're twenty-three, not two. Stop dazing around."

I nodded and placed the canvas back where it was. My father walked out of my room, I heard his footsteps go down the stairs. He was always uptight and indulged himself in work.

I remember who he use to be. A sweet loving man who waited on me hand and foot. He spent time with me and made sure that I was okay. Then my mother left us and he changed.

He was impatient and emotionally not here.

"The painting is lovely, my dear." Eartha smiled. "I'll hang it later on for you."

I remained silent while staring at the ground.

"Don't let him hurt your feelings, okay?" Eartha walked towards me. Eartha pulled me in for a hug. "I know you don't want to go to the ball, but think about how beautiful you'll look. Your mom-"

"Screw her." I snapped before walking into the bathroom and slamming the door.

At last, the ball that my father had been stressing about for the past month. The beautiful venue was filled with snobby and entitled rich people who judged everyone that came in the door. I stood, bored in a corner analyzing every conversation. I was too nervous to interact, scared of what people will think about my outfit. I never thought that this was life for me. I wanted to live on a beach and smoke weed while painting the swirls that were contained in my mind.

"Please mingle, Athena. They already think that you're stuck up." My father whispered in my ear causing me to jump. "You've turned every dance down."

In all honesty, I was too scared to talk to anyone. It felt like there was a lump in my throat and lead in my feet. My father grabbed my hand before walking over towards an older man.

"Mr. Landon, Mrs. Landon, meet my daughter." My dad smiled while stepping behind me.

"Pleasure to formally meet you, Athena." He held his hand out waiting for me to shake it.

"Pleasure to meet you too." I awkwardly stood.

"Well don't you just look perfect?" The older woman smiled. "I see we've tamed the curls? Your father always tells me how wild they can be."

The three busted out laughing. Which I didn't find anything funny. My mom was a proud African American woman and my dad was white as white can be. He didn't understand the beauty and volume of curly hair. To him, it was wild and unprofessional.

"Oh! Athena, you must meet our son. You guys will be spending plenty of time with each other." Mr. Landon said while searching around the room.

"What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The arrangement with Tobias."

"What arrangement?" I looked at my dad waiting for an answer.

He had that stupid guilty look on. The same one when he missed my high school graduation because of an 'emergency' at his company.

"The marriage, with our son Tobias." Mr. Landon confirmed. "And you haven't told her, we'll just step over here for a second."

The happy couple walked away leaving me angrily staring at my dad. He stuck his hands into his pockets while whistling.

"What marriage?"

"Look, after using all of the companies money to build that drone for NASA, business hasn't been good. The Landons offered to fund another one of our projects. You guys getting married will give them a lot of buzz for their record label. This is a win-win opportunity."

"So how does this correlate to you pimping me out to their dark and twisty son." I crossed my arms.

"It's just for a year Athena."

"You're saying this like it's nothing. You're forcing me to get married so it can benefit you and your stupid space company. You have all the money in the world. Nothing will ever be enough for you, will it?" I shook my head.

"You do nothing but sit, smoke, and paint all day. I support you through everything. If you want my fundings, then this is no choice. Do this favor for the family and help out. Okay?" He muttered, his eyes growing dark.

"What family?" I asked. "I won't do it."

"You will." He chased after me. "Or I will cut you completely off. You have no degree, no knowledge of anything and I won't help you."

I stared at him intensely scared of what he'll say next. I sighed in defeat while looking towards the Landon's who were looking at us.

"Fine," I whispered. He nodded before walking us back over towards the Landon's. "My apologies, I forgot the whole thing."

"It's okay dear." Mrs. Landon giggles. "Here's Tobias now. Tobi! Over here!"

She yelled. I've never met Tobias or seen him, but I've heard multiple things. He was cold, dark, and handsome. He ran his company like a militia. Everyone acted like robots. I saw the tall man strode over with his hands in his pockets.

He reached where we were standing and sighed.

"This is Athena. Your lovely bride to be."

His cold blue eyes met with mine as he analyzed every detail. He remained quiet.

"I'm not marrying her." He said before walking off.

Ouch. I didn't want to marry him either, so touché, douchebag.


"A contract?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Let me get this straight. You're making me sign a contract to marry this man?"

"It's an agreement. Holding you to your word." Mrs. Landon smiled. "It says that you guys will live with each other and do everything together."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Tobias clench his jaw while uncomfortably shifting in his seat. Man, was he hot.

Mrs. Landon handed each of us a pen before sitting back down.

My father stared at me as I quickly signed the papers. Tobias reluctantly signed them before tossing the pen on the table.

"We done here?" He questioned.

"No. You two need to negotiate living space and work schedules." My dad instructed. "So we shall step outside and when you're done. Let us know."

I huffed as the three adults walked out of the conference room. It was silent. A deafening silence made me mildly uncomfortable.

"My penthouse has two rooms. You can stay in the other one. As for this whole engagement slash marriage thing, we don't have to act as husband and wife." Tobias said.

"I didn't expect us to." I shrugged. "Also, I don't work."

"I didn't expect you to."

"And what is that suppose to mean?" I questioned.

"Nothing at all." He groaned while sitting up straight. "I'm a busy man, okay? Just stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours."

"Sounds perfect to me."


"Good." I challenged while turning towards him.

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