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"No. No. No." I shook my head.

"So do you want me to move it here then?" Lotus questioned while moving the fabric to the right. "Or up top?"

"Shit. I don't know." I sighed. "This is hard doing it from my bed but Tobias won't let me move."

"How about this." Valeria grabbed the mannequin and moved it to close the bed. She leaned near me and smiled.

I moved the fabric back and she placed it back down.

"I like that." I nodded.

"Okay." Lotus nodded while adding a pin.

Valeria grabbed her sketchbook before adding adjustments.

"Lunch is served. Mini chicken shawarmas with a side of kale chips." Kaleb rolled in the tray but abruptly stopped. "Lotus?"


I quickly looked between the two. They stared each other down while the room fell silent. Valeria looked at me and I shrugged.

"You guys know each other?"

"Just let me know when you're finished and I'll come to grab the trays." Kaleb quickly said before walking out.

"You guys know each other?" I repeated.

"Here you go." Lotus shook his head before handing me my plate. "Valerie let's go to lunch."

He said while grabbing her hand and hurrying out of the room. I furrowed my eyebrows before taking a bite of my food.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

"Hello, Tobias."

"After you eat, take pain medication. I'm about to get off work. Is security still there or are they on lunch?"

"They're here." I sat up to gaze outside my door. They sat in their chairs while flipping through a magazine.

"Great. Are Lotus and Valerie still there?"

"They went on lunch."

"Are you okay being by yourself?"

"No, but I feel okay knowing there's security everywhere." I chuckled. "I have Kaleb here for a company as well."

"Okay great. Have to get back to a meeting, but I was just checking in on you."

"I'm okay. Thank you."

"Okay see you later."

I hung up the phone and sighed. I placed my plate on the counter and slowly walked to the bay window. A bouquet of white roses sat and I sighed.

You know who I am. I know who you are. How about we meet, my Greek goddess? Your father is throwing a party, I'll be there. Maybe.

I sighed while tossing it in the trash. I clenched my back while walking back to med and taking a kale chip.

"You're not supposed to be out of bed without supervision ." Kaleb crossed his arms. "Doctors orders, Athena."

"I'm sorry. I got sick of sitting all day."

"I know doll, how's everything feeling?"

"It hurts." I slowly sat down. "Like a lot."

"Here, Tobias made me come up here to ensure that you take your medicine." He handed me the pill. "That boy loves you more than he knows."

I shook my head.

"Speaking of love, you're not off the hook. What was that thing that happened between you and Lotus?" I questioned while taking the pill. I quickly swallowed it and chased it down with water.

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