CHAPTER 31: Define Jerk

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CHAPTER 31: Define Jerk

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CHAPTER 31: Define Jerk


It only took until the next morning for Ella to wake up and thoroughly regret her decision. She should have asked Rhea about him, goddamnit!

The opportunity was lost now, and she could do nothing but curse her indecisive self.

The morning was peaceful as distant winter birds chirped outside on the trees and a beam of sunlight passing through a crack of her curtain fell right across her, lighting up the infinitesimal particles floating around in that tiny space. It was only seven on the clock and Ella prolonged her stay in her warm bed just a few more minutes tucked like a burrito inside her comforter and scrolling through her phone.

She groaned when she stumbled upon a message that said she had an assignment due in the next two days; Mr Gerald definitely wanted to make up for yesterday's missed class.

They were supposed to read and deconstruct a piece of creative non-fiction and then write a two thousand words long literary criticism about all the things they observed and picked up She sighed, at least it was to be done in pairs.

Next, she looked at a message from Jay that was waiting for her, it said "Want to meet up at my place after class today and get started on the assignment?"

She thought over it and shot him a simple message saying "Sure." and then she forced herself out of bed to start her day begrudgingly while cursing her early classes.

The day neither dragged nor flew, it was a weird tug of war between the two as Ella attended class after class, made notes, tried not to think about Elliot but failed and found herself under the willow tree where she fed Archer, the tiny grey cat who came to meet her. It was probably too cold for him and Ella felt bad, she would have brought him home if her building didn't have a 'no pets' policy.

But she remembered to submit her short story before the contest deadline and felt really confident as she did it. Ella was aware that it had a very small chance at winning but she considered submitting the story a victory in itself, she was proud of herself.

Ella couldn't decide if her boring day felt really long or unusually short when she stood at Jay's doorstep and rang the bell at exactly 4:15 pm.

The door was pulled open, but she froze since she didn't expect Patrick to be welcoming her. "Hey Ella, Come on in.." He said with a smile as he opened the door wider as she stepped in.

"Hey, Patrick." She greeted him cordially.

"Jay, Ella is here." He hollered, almost impairing her ears as he closed the door and both of them went inside.

"Be right there." Jay's voice came from his room.

"Do you want sandwiches? I just made them..." Patrick said, walking into the kitchen while she followed.

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