CHAPTER 35: Can I Be Honest?

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CHAPTER 35: Can I Be Honest?

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CHAPTER 35: Can I Be Honest?


Ella couldn't sleep that night, her thoughts won't settle and her mind played the series of events that happened that day like a broken record on a loop.

Now that she knew the truth, everything about him seemed so obvious. Each quality she associated with Elliot, matched with him perfectly. She even picked up on the things she subconsciously ignored before.

Jay was the one to phone her and call he back home when she was waiting for him to meet her at the willow tree, the very first time... when he didn't show up.

Jay was the one who suggested the diary was stolen... Because he knew that was the case. What a slip up... She should have joined the dots!

He was always sweet, supportive, considerate, put others needs before his and made everyone happy. He was ambidextrous, rarely talked about himself, was knowledgeable about books and so much more. His idiosyncratic observations with a dash of humour topped with delightful wit... It was all unique to him.

Ella looked at the diary that sat on her bedside table, it was calling to her and she gave in, picking it up, she flipped it open. There were quite a few new letters, some brief, while others were long and meticulous.

She settled comfortably in her bed as her eyes devoured every word and with every page she turned, a smile grew on her lips, and she eventually fell asleep with a happy expression on her face.

These days Ella thought her life was competing against a rollercoaster and coming out on top. Even though physically and outwardly nothing much happened, emotionally she went through a wide range, but conditions were returning back to normal slowly and she always had a smile on her face, though she didn't seem aware of it.

Even though Jay had told her to think about god-knows-what, she knew there was nothing much to think about.

For a couple of days, every time she figured something out about Jay she would approach him and ask him about it, while he answered truthfully.

"So, I was thinking and I realised that it was you who signed Patrick's name on the receipt that day we went shopping at Walmart?" She asked, to confirm her hypothesis.

"Yeah, I should have been more careful about that..." He admitted sheepishly.

They were sitting in the cafe, laptops open in front of them, trying to get some work done, but instead, they talked over their screens.

She pretended not to notice when she felt his gaze on her face and he didn't move his foot when her leg accidentally brushed against his knee under the table. There was a weird intensity in the air every time their eyes met, Ella ducked her head to hide the flush on her face and Jay acted like his heart wasn't beating like a drumroll.

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