CHAPTER 11: To Walmart In High Spirits

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CHAPTER 11: To Walmart In High Spirits

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CHAPTER 11: To Walmart In High Spirits


Ella was angrily thinking: 'he can't do whatever he wants to, just because he seems to have an upper hand!'

'He couldn't just do that! Can he?' She frowned.

'Damn it, he can!'

'So, what now? This can't be how it ends. And he's just blaming me for reading those letters but he probably read everything I wrote too. I accept that I wrote back replies, but I never gave them to him... He somehow got the journal, probably stole it and I clearly wasn't ready for him to read all that.' She grumbled to herself, but a small smile tugged on her lips, ever so slightly, just because all of it wasn't a crazy hallucination. It was all real and the letter in her hands was hard proof.

Her head swam with thoughts of everything she wrote in those replies and she cringed in embarrassment. Ella buried her face in her hands, she knew she hadn't filtered her words and her letters contained some very personal, some awkward and probably even humiliating moments and private confessions.

After sitting there blankly for quite some time Ella finally got her bearings and checked her phone. Jay's texts had flooded her inbox and abruptly she was pulled back into reality and was reminded of her promise.

Quickly she folded the letter along its creases and pushed it back in the envelope before going back to her desk and keeping it in her bag carefully.

Thankfully, Leah, her coworker, was already there at the desk as she had to take over after Ella's shift. She gave her a bright smile as Ella pulled her bag strap on her left shoulder. Leah has been among her first few acquaintances turned friends when she had joined the college, she was also the one who showed Ella the ropes about her current job and helped her in every way she could.

"What's the hurry?" She asked just to make conversation, her familiar dark eyes twinkled with friendly warmth, as she tucked away a few loose strands of her dirty-blonde hair.

"Gotta go meet Jay at the Wall-mart, besides I need to do some shopping of my own," Ella answered swiftly.

"Oh man, don't remind me..." Leah frowned at the thought of grocery shopping. "Have fun, buy something substantial and don't go into the snacks aisle, it's a trap!"

"I'll try." Ella chuckled and rushed out, trying not to think of the letter she just read. But the smile on her face refused to leave her.

Thankfully the Walmart wasn't too far, it was only a fifteen-minute walk from the library and she was determined to make that journey in twelve minutes or less.

Once she arrived, it wasn't hard to spot Jay, he was for some reason picking up tomatoes from the floor and looked like he didn't want to be there.

As soon as Jay saw her he pouted, "Why are you so late? Where were you? I was about to cry."

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