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7 days until anniversary, 3 days until they leave for Wooyoung's family home

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7 days until anniversary, 3 days until they leave for Wooyoung's family home.

"AREN'T you excited?" Kath gushed over FaceTime, watching her best friend stuff more clothes into a medium-sized suitcase.

Miki responded with a grunt. She was too busy trying to fit her shampoo bottle between a thick sweater and a pair of jeans.

"Okay, maybe a little too excited," Kath said sarcastically. "Haven't you heard of bite-sized toiletries?"

Miki sat heavily on her bed. With a frustrated sigh, she threw a glare over at her windowsill, where her phone currently stood.

"Thanks for enlightening me," she replied breathlessly, "but you know I won't have anytime to shop before we leave this weekend."

There was a commotion on the other end of the line, and Kath disappeared from view for a few moments. "Hang on, Mi, my brother is being a little shit again. I'll call you back."

The call ended.

Excited? It was more like she wanted to throw herself out of the window, kicking and screaming.

"Knock knock." Wooyoung pushed the door open, immediately being greeted by the hot mess that was currently her bedroom.

"I see your packing is going well." Somehow, he didn't seem entirely convinced.

Miki felt a tinge of embarrassment. "You could say that. How about you? Are you all finished?"

"Pretty much." He eyed her suitcase and the huge bottles of product that she had just tried shoving in there. "I have some spare travel-sized bottles if you want them. We won't be there for long, so it should be enough."

She nodded gratefully. "Sure, I'd like that."

To her surprise, he insisted on helping her decant her toiletries into the small containers.

Wooyoung unscrewed the top of one of her body washes, and the sweet, floral fragrance wafted into the air around them. He paused, so Miki glanced up at him curiously.

"Oh, I've decided I'm not bringing that one." She commented offhandedly.

Wooyoung nodded and twisted the cap back on slowly. "Really? I thought this was your regular."

"Yeah, it is." Miki was about to hand him a different bottle, a lavender-scented one instead, but she stopped. "You noticed?"

He shrugged, his eyes avoiding hers. "Of course I did," he said quickly. "Kinda hard not to."

Miki was too surprised to reply. She was lagging. 

He must've mistaken her reaction for something else because he rushed to correct himself. "Sorry, I didn't mean that in a bad way. In fact, I really like the scent. It's familiar. It's... you."

Now it was his turn to be embarrassed.

Wordlessly, Miki placed the lavender one down and picked up her regular wash. It was Nectarine Blossom and Honey from Jo Malone.

It took a while for her to speak.

"Your mum gave me a gift set of this scent on our wedding day," she said quietly. "Since then, I've always kept a bottle with me."

Miki didn't have to look up to know that Wooyoung had shuffled closer, close enough that their crossed knees were touching.

"I noticed that, too." His voice came out hoarse.

Miki exhaled softly but didn't say anything else.

Gently, his hand came up to brush her cheek. She felt like all her systems were going haywire. She wanted to jump out of her skin. It took all her concentration to keep her eyes trained on where they were touching.

"Miki." His hand was now cradling her left cheek delicately, as if she were a piece of porcelain.

Just as she raised her head to look at him, her phone vibrated violently from the windowsill. Both of them started in surprise.

Cheeks aflame, Miki scrambled to her feet. "Sorry, thats Kath calling me back."

She heard him utter something about dinner.

By the time she looked back over her shoulder, he was already gone.

By the time she looked back over her shoulder, he was already gone

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