❝happy anniversary❞

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DEAR Wooyoung, 

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DEAR Wooyoung, 

There are quite a few things I want to say, most of which I wish I could've said out loud. Unfortunately, that opportunity has now passed me by. 

First of all, I of course have to congratulate you on your new position at Danguk Hospital. They will be lucky to have a hospital director such as you. I've seen how hard you work, how well you treat your patients. No one could be better suited than you, Dr. Jung. 

But even now, as I try to give you my congratulations, I just can't help it... I'm upset. Why didn't you tell me? We could have tried to work something out together. 

How could you just assume that I would happily let you move out? Did our past few months together leave no impact on you whatsoever? I guess I was delusional to believe that there was a chance you felt the same way. 

Our marriage was never a traditionally romantic one. Despite that, over the course of this year with you, I discovered something about myself. 

Jung Wooyoung, I am in love with you. 

I think about you when you're not around. I try new recipes that you might like. I make you watch the stupid television shows you don't like because I want to spend time with you. 

I bring you lunch at work because I love seeing you focused. I've memorised the way you like your coffee in the morning. I look forward to rainy days, if it means I can stay inside with you. 

I know you care about me too. 

I know you still make sure to buy green tea ice cream whenever it's about to run out. I know you look after the hydrangeas more carefully than I do. I know you watch that stupid show even when I'm not around. I know you always keep on eye on me whenever I have the slightest sniffle. 

But there's a difference between me and you. When I finally came to my senses, I accepted my love for you. You, on the other hand, chose to avoid it. Acted like pretending it wasn't there would make it go away. 

Otherwise, why else would you choose to move out on our one year anniversary, of all days? 

Your mother told me you believed it would be the best for me. You always love to believe that you know what's best for me, but you don't. 

What's best for me is us. This marriage. I thrive because of it, and you want to throw it all away. 

Do you remember the time before we got married? You wanted to run away then, as well. 

Wooyoung, why do you keep running?  You act nonchalant, you leave your face blank so I can't read your thoughts. But inside, I think you're more scared and vulnerable than I am. 

And if you really weren't content with this marriage, you should have just told me. 

I can't chase you forever. 

I know you're probably reading this letter in your childhood bedroom. You probably came home tired but determined, ready to tell me why this was the best decision for our marriage. Unfortunately, that opportunity too has passed you by. 

As you read this, I'm on my way home. Don't worry, I left your car there and took a taxi. 

I think it's best if you don't come visit. I'm sure you'll be busy with your new job anyway. I'll keep you updated on my course. Keep me updated on Mochi, please. 

I'm not angry at you, Wooyoung. But I'm not going to force you. 

Come home when you're ready. 

Happy anniversary. 

- Miki. 


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