Horikita helps Kiyopon / Kiyopon saves Sudog

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The manga is weird, but it's way closer to the ln than the anime that's for sure.

Also they got cute panels of Kiyopon

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Anyways, let's begin the chapter.

Third Person PoV

1. Horikita wants Kiyopon to be trusted!

Horikita and Kiyotaka were once again, sitting down for lunch.

" How did you do it?" Horikita asked as she held the answer sheets.

Kiyotaka wrote on his notebook.

' Did you not read what I sent you?' It said.

" What I mean is, how did you get these? You said you made a deal with a senpai from Class B but I doubt you would have anything of value to offer  them...." She said

Kiyotaka stared at her for a bit.

Horikita was suddenly getting impatient with his stare.

" What?" She asked

Kiyotaka shook his head before writing in the notebook.

' You look prettier than usual, today. ' it said

Horikita turned red from his sudden compliment.

" D-Don't change the topic!" She said while flustered.

Kiyotaka began writing in his notebook.

' I went to a table filled with female senpais and then asked for it. I offered to pay, but they decided to give it to me for free. ' it said.

Kiyotaka remembered the look on that male senpai's face.

It was a very funny memory to him.

Horikita was suprised by his explanation.

' They must have thought he was cute and decided to give it for free....' Horikita thought.

" Is that really all?" Horikita asked and Kiyotaka nodded in response.

Horikita scanned the papers again with her eyes.

" You said you wanted me to hand it out to everyone, right?" She asked and then glanced at Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka nodded while munching on his food.

" I have a better idea." Horikita said.

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