Horikita will never bow down / Kiyopon is NOT a clingy tagalong

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Third Person PoV

1. Horikita will never bow down

" Fuu............haaahh......." Kiyopon's snores filled the room as he slept peacefully on his bed to pass the time.

He was currently wrapped around by his blanket like a burrito for some odd reason.

Even PoV-chan does not know why that happened.

Maybe Kiyopon aimed for maximum comfort?

Haah....it's still hard to decipher him fully.

But a noise instantly woke our silent protagonist from his slumber.

Kiyopon immediately propped up on his bed.

" Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?" An apologetic voice said.

Kiyopon's eyes landed on Hirata Yousuke.

Hirata was currently getting ready to go out for his group meeting.

Kiyopon nods in response, implying that it was no problem.

Kiyopon was planning to wake up sooner or later anyway to discuss with Horikita.

Hirata sighed in relief, " That's good. I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep if you were really tired." He said.

Kiyopon simply nodded.

Hirata noticed that Kiyopon was still in his burrito form but made no comment about it.

" Ah, my meeting is about to begin. Would you like to come with me? Besides, I believe that the notification will come soon after my meeting." Hirata said.

Kiyopon turned his head to look at the clock.

It was just before 20:30. Whether due to coincidence or fate, that just happened to be the time Horikita had been summoned to her meeting.

Kiyopon looks at Hirata and nods.

" Very well. I'll wait for you outside. " Hirata said and began walking to the door.

Kiyopon nods.


As Kiyopon tried to shuffle and move.

The burrito blanket was too strong....


Kiyopon tried to twist and turn but he couldn't seem to free himself.

Kiyopon decided to call out to Hirata but-

Click! The door had already been closed.

Hirata had left the room and was currently waiting outside.


Kiyopon lets out a quiet sigh.

Kiyopon had spent 5 minutes trying to free himself from the burrito roll until he finally tumbled to the floor.

Hirata had wondered why he heard a loud thump so he quickly checked back into the room to see a funny sight.

On the ground, was a Kiyopon wrapped into a burrito by his own blanket, whilst wearing a seemingly irritated expression.

" Um.....do....do you want me to- pfft....I'm sorry...!" Hirata tried to hold in his laughter.

Kiyopon Can't Communicate!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt