Something only a person deeply in love could understand...

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Third Person PoV

( 1 year ago....)

Kiyopon gazed at the horizon, the spark of excitement and wonder was visible in his eyes. The ocean amazed him.

He slowly made his way towards the coastline. He was drawn in by the beauty of the ocean, he didn't expect it to be this....peaceful and calm......the books he'd studied about the ocean never really described its beauty. It was a shame, or perhaps even the writers themselves couldn't find enough adjectives to describe one of earth's greatest wonders.

Matsuo trailed behind with a smile on his face, he was amused by the look of excitement that the usually silent, indifferent, boy would wear in usual days.  A complete contrast.

Kiyotaka felt the sand tickle beneath his feet as he began approaching the water which gently pushed on the sand and returned back. A light wave gently made contact with his toes.

Kiyopon stopped and stared at the ocean waves reaching his toes. He knew what water felt like, he knew what the ocean should look like.

But seeing it in person...feels like a different experience.

" We'll be here for a while. So why don't you take a little swim?" Matsuo suggested.

" I'll just be over here while you have fun and experience the beach. I'm too old to swim like I used to anyways." He chuckles.

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