He meets her

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"Uff... Finally, you are here... How much time will you take yaar... My wife gets ready faster than you...", shouted Raj at his best friend who is already late to the party Mr. Sehgal is throwing in his honor...

"Did you mean Ritika takes too much time in getting ready  ??", asked Arjun rising his brow...

"Ha..... Exactly, how much she may try, she'll look the same, don't know why she wastes so much time when she knew end result is not gonna improve, actually, I think she doesn't know it.... ", said Raj with annoyance remembering how his wife asked him to go and pick Arjun, then come back to pick her so that she gets some alone time to get ready without him nagging her...

"Now she does", said Arjun smirking at Ritika who is standing there glaring at her husband..... Raj stiffened, he didn't even dare to turn and face her, he cursed Arjun but he didn't care at all, he is having fun for life... For the next 10 minutes, Ritika chased Raj and did everything except murder... She gave 2-3 punches to Arjun as well but he didn't mind as he is very much enjoying his friend's misery...

"Next time, choose your words carefully, both of you", Ritika warned and walked out...

Both the friends followed her, Raj was about to sit in the driving seat but she gave a look saying she is not interested in sitting beside him, so he calmly went to the back seat cursing his friend, Arjun sat in the driver seat and tried to cheer Ritika, she too gave in to Arjun efforts and smiled...

Raj and Ritika had an arranged marriage, but they fell in love with each other at first sight... Ritika understands the friendship between Raj and Arjun, she never really came in between them which Arjun feared at the start... He actually thought that after marriage she would create problems regarding their joint firm, money, and property but she didn't even want to know about it, Arjun liked her attitude and slowly accepted her... She is the only woman he cares for deeply, like a family, after his mother, he does care about his staff but just as an employer, nothing more, nothing less...

All three reached the venue, Mr. Sehgal introduced Arjun to many big shots, and everyone praised Arjun for his talent, they even had offers for him but Arjun asked them to contact him during working hours... His attitude, and work ethics impressed them more... He wasn't dying to take up significant cases or clients which reflected his ability and confidence...

Raj as usual went to the bar, and Ritika started talking with some ladies, Arjun tried to stop his friend from having more shots but he wouldn't listen, today he is very happy for his friend and Ritika too gave him permission seeing his selfless happiness in his friend's success...

"Today... You can't stop me... I am so happy...", Said Raj in a slurry tone and started ordering two more for him..... Arjun shook his head and is about to say something when one girl approached him...

"Hey... Will you dance with me", asked the girl running her finger over Arjun's face...

He pushed her hand gently and looked away politely rejecting her, there he saw a group of girls staring at him as if he is some piece of meat... He got awkward and excused himself, he always got attention from the female population but like always he ignored it... He never let it pass more than a one-night stand that too when he is too stressed or loaded with work... And he does know that even they're looking for the same as him but right now he is not interested...

He is walking towards the gents' toilet as that is the only place he thought he would get peace right now but he saw something on the way which boiled his blood...

"What the hell do you think you are doing", shouted Arjun stomping towards the man who is manhandling a girl...

He observed the girl when he walked towards them, she seemed so innocent and pure that the place and all the people present over there seemed so wrong and evil in front of her... 

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