Defense Lawyer Arjun Kashyap ??

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Days passed and Aarna's anxiety started taking heavy turns... She knew Arjun is gonna take over from the next hearing and the thought alone made her excited at the same time nervous as hell... Excited because she trusts him so much to get her out of the prison for sure, nervous because she knew what would happen if she steps out, and no way in hell she is ready for the consequences.

Chandini informed Arjun about Aarna's anxiety attacks which she tried hard to hide but couldn't... And Arjun didn't understand her dilemma but he sure want to... For now, he needs to calm her before the news reaches the Bharadwajs... And if they get to know about her anxiety attacks, they'll suspect something unexpected is gonna happen and there might be heavy risks of the whole plan blowing up and Arjun is not gonna let that happen.

Geeta visited Aarna... By then, she understood, she won't be able to draw any response from her, so today she just brought her speech which she prepared with the help of Arjun... No... Whom is she kidding, the whole speech is written by Arjun and she is just a delivery agent...

As usual, Khatri tried to frustrate Geeta, and if she isn't so involved in her work, she would have blasted Khatri's head... She took a deep breath and walked off inside without giving a f**k at his words...

"Aarna...", Geeta called and she turned around, Geeta left a gasp to see the girl... she has bags under her eyes, her hair disheveled, and her face pale... Geeta could easily make that she didn't take any proper sleep or food in the past few days... Geeta's eyes shifted towards Chandini who gave a look that meant 'I-told-you'... Geeta took a long breath before sitting on the chair and Aarna sat opposite to her...

"I know you don't want to talk and I won't compel you to respond... Your hearing is nearing and Arjun is determined to get you out at least on bail and I'm confident he would do that", said Geeta and Aarna threw a look that meant 'really ??'... Geeta understood she doesn't believe she could ever get out of jail and she didn't know how to assure the young girl...

"Look Aarna... You can't spoil your health like this, this is just the beginning of your fight, fight for justice... you need to trust yourself and us as well... Just stay positive, and in no way you would reveal about Arjun taking up your case... Though the formalities are done, Arjun is taking care of keeping this low till the day of the hearing... So you can't behave like this and make them suspicious...", Geeta said and took a deep breath, she didn't find any difference in Aarna's expression... Though she didn't expect her to respond in words, she expected a nod at least and lack of that, and Khatri's previous provocating words frustrated her...

"Aarna..... girl please respond.....", Geeta begged with tears in her eyes due to anger and frustration... Arjun who is on the call calmed Geeta..... he sent Geeta to calm Aarna but Geeta's outburst can send Aarna into a shell more and he didn't want that at all.....

"Geeta, calm down... look at her, she suffered a lot, so much that we can't even imagine, Please don't lose your calm...", He said and Geeta took a deep breath... "Please Geeta", Arjun begged, which he never did, and two teardrops fell from Geeta's eyes seeing her friend so vulnerable... Arjun soon composed himself..... "Am I clear Geeta ??", he said in his hard tone which hid his vulnerability...

"Yes....", Geeta said adjusting her Bluetooth and looking at Aarna...

"I'm sorry, I lost my cool..... work pressure you know", said Geeta with a low chuckle and cleared her throat to come into the main topic..... "So, Aarna..... We are not asking you to cooperate which we expect from every client, all we expect from you is to just take care of yourself and continue what you are doing in the court... i.e standing silent without actually saying anything except for accepting the crime you never committed", Geeta completed with her confidence returning... "I hope I made myself clear....", she said standing up, Aarna lifted her head a little to meet Geeta's eyes but she didn't even nod... This time, Geeta didn't mind.. but What Aarna said next shocked Geeta and Arjun who is on the call...

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