21. Meet the Royalty

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The doors opened, and two guards dressed in green ceremonial uniforms entered. After they checked the room, a young lady with a deep-blue dress entered and her guard announced,

"Princess Rin of Alampra Kingdom has arrived!"

As her eyes met Daniel's, they both gasped and the young lady shouted,

"Chicken skewer guy!"

Everyone gasped in shock, and the atmosphere in the room chilled. The guards on both sides went to high alert!

Daniel and Rin both stared at each other for a moment. Rin started laughing heartily while Daniel had a big grin.

Everyone else in the room was frozen and didn't know how to react. The Princess's people were shocked how their lady had offended the Baron at their first meeting! Although she was a Princess and he was a Baron, they were in a foreign kingdom and in his territory. 'But the Baron is smiling at this insult; what is going on?' they wondered.

On the Baron's side, Helena, Shein, and Robert were stunned both at the princess's beauty and the rare display of familiarity with Daniel. 'He almost never smiles!!' they all thought!

* Cough *

The princess's butler was the first to snap out of it and cleared his throat.

"My Lady!" shouted the maid, clearly embarrassed at her mistress's behavior.

'Cap, maybe ask her about her stay here, about the festival!' Jon said in Daniel's mind.

After they both stopped laughing, Daniel was the first one to talk,

"Did you enjoy your time at the festival?" said Daniel with a smile.

Helena almost fainted. Her brother had never asked anyone if they enjoyed their time. He never even asked her how her day was!

"So, you can actually talk! Wonderful!" answered Rin, making her maid faint, and initiating a new round of chuckles between the two.

The Alampra delegation came here to meet the young Lord and establish a good relationship with him. Their spies had witnessed the battle with the Duke. Not in live broadcast, but they managed to get a recording. Daniel was a warrior able to defeat an entire army, and his territory neighbors the Alampra kingdom. They couldn't afford to be reckless. The last war between kingdoms was a stalemate, and a peace treaty was signed. However, a strong card like Daniel was enough to tilt the balance in a possible future conflict.

And now their Lady was insulting the Baron repeatedly!

"Ahem. Princess Rin, it's nice to meet you," said Helena, trying to insert herself into the discussion.

She failed miserably. Both Daniel and Rin ignored everyone else present.

"Yes, I can," answered Daniel smiling and added, "How was the skewer?"

"Hahaha. It was delicious, Lord Thanatos. Thank you," answered Rin and curtsied.

"Call me Daniel," he responded, shocking everyone again. Daniel never said this to anyone, even his closest people! Except for Helena, nobody else called him by his name.

"Then, you should call me Rin," answered the princess with a smile.

"MY LADY!" said the maid that had just woken up, only to faint again. Rin ignored her again.

"Rin, did you enjoy your time here?" said Daniel.

"Yes! This Festival was amazing! The music, the lights! So many lights! Not even our capital has so many lights at night! However, I have one regret..." Run trailed off.

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