14. Reprecussions

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A week late but Happy New Year!!


"I know I am late, sorry" I rush out as I run onto set in the Parisian inspired outfit that was in my trailer when I first got there

Hunter rolls her eyes at my late arrival.

"Unprofessional as always, Delaney" she cannot help herself but comment as I walk past her

I cannot help but laugh at her.

"You have a lot of nerve calling me unprofessional considering you were fucking a fucking extra in my trailer the first day of filming" I say, not caring who hears

The raven haired girl glares at me, seemingly going to insult me.

"Can you both shut up for five minutes?!"

Hunter and I turn to face an annoyed Gigi who just so happens to have the same megaphone from earlier this week.

"I haven't commented on it because I thought that the two of you would be professional enough to work through your personal problems within a week maximum but I guess not!" She continues to yell into said megaphone

At the sound of Gigi yelling everyone on set becomes deafeningly silent.

"You're two twenty-three year olds arguing like ten year olds and I'm done with it!"

"You both have amazing chemistry together but can't get over yourselves long enough to allow it to consistently be showcased on camera,"

I avoid eye contact with Gigi, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes.

I feel like a kid who is being scolded by a teacher for misbehaving.

"Either the both of you can push your differences aside long enough to finish this movie or you can both be replaced!" She finishes

She waits for either of us to say something before speaking into her megaphone again.

"Places everyone!" She yells

Hunter makes her way towards the red 'X' in the hall while I close the door and make my way towards the red 'X' in the bedroom.

Apparently this is my character's bedroom.

It is more crowded than I would have expected.

Either way I cannot believe they rented out this place for the film.

"Action!" Gigi calls out due to it already being quiet on set

Hunter knocks on the door which I end up swinging open a few moments later.

The two of make our way down the upstairs hallway.

"Let me guess, is it your coronation?" Genevieve whispers as soon as we are a good distance away from the other guard who was standing near my bedroom door

I slow down a bit so that the two of us are walking side by side.

"Nope" I whisper back

She is silent as we pass a maid, I smile at said maid out of respect.

"How about your eighteenth birthday?" She asks again

I smile at this guess.

"Close, but no" I reply

I hear her release a small chuckle.

"Then it must be that little boy," she waves her hand

"Cane" she pretends to forget his name

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