27. Ten Months Later

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The title is pretty self explanatory lol.

This chapter is from Delaney's POV.


"Do you have any three's?" The girl across from me asks

I briefly scan my deck before shaking my head.

"Go fish" I sigh out

The girl groans as she reaches over to pluck a card from the deck of cards in between us.

"Carson, Delaney!' I hear a manly voice yell out from one of the entrances to the minimalistic game room

At the sound of my name being called I turn around in the uncomfortable metal chair that I am sat in so that I can face the man.

"You're being released," is all that he says

I immediately stand up at this announcement.

I'm not usually one to complain, or I just prefer not to do it at least, but these have by far been the hardest months of my life.

I place my cards down on the table and bid goodbye to the girl I was playing with before making my way over to the employee.

"There's a shop over there where you can purchase some new clothes if the ones you came here in do not fit anymore"

He motions towards a room a few doors down from us.

I nod my head before going on my way.


"Have a fantastic day!" The lady at the shop counter tells me as she hands me the receipt from the clothes I just bought

I thank her before exiting said shop.

Due to my old clothes being way too small for me to fit into I had to purchase some new clothes from the shop.

I settled on a pair of grey sweatpants and an 'I heart NY' tee.

As I make my way towards the exit of the rehab facility I pull my long hair up into a massive messy bun.

I haven't cut my hair in years.... I think that I need a hair change.

It's not like I have a devil on my shoulder telling me what I can and cannot do....at least not anymore.

As I exit the small shop and make my way down the dimly lit hall I cannot stop the feeling of unadulterated happiness that fills my heart.

I can't believe I'm actually leaving!

I have seen girls who were here for significantly less time than me kill themselves because they could not take it anymore.

This place has the same vibes that a mental asylum would give you.

I distinctly remember waking up in the middle of the night to my roommate standing over me just staring at me, watching me sleep.

It was only later when I called security on her did I find out that she had a plastic spork in her hand, that she bent and shaped to be a weapon, hiding behind her back.

When I went to bring this to bring this to the head of the facility he tried to tell me that I was just imagining things.

I tried bringing this matter up to him so many times that he revoked my visitation rights because he believed someone outside of the building was feeding me false information to relay back to him so that I would be guaranteed 'special treatment'.

It was only when the security guard who removed the girl from the room cut in that his view on the matter changed.

Unfortunately this only led to me having my own room for around a week until they decided the girl seemed calm enough to be put back in our shared room.

I may sound a little entitled, but I seriously think that I need therapy after all of this.

"Have a nice day Ms. Carson" the doorman says before pressing a button to unlock the main door

I smile at him and bid him goodbye before reaching out and pushing the door open.

As I make my way through the first door I hear a lot of commotion outside which confuses me.

Did they find out I was at this rehab facility?

If they did then how did they find out which day I would be getting released? Not only that, how did they find out which time I would be released at?

I slowly take in a deep inhale as I approach the automatic sliding doors only to pause in my spot at the sight before me.

Off to my far left and right there are multiple relentless paparazzi who are angrily yelling and attempting to elbow their way past numerous security guards.

Yet in the midst of all of this chaos, standing a few feet in front of me, was a certain raven haired actress.

She appears to be as levelheaded as possible.

I assume that the paparazzi catch sight of me due to the sight of flashes going off in my peripheral vision.

At the sound of my name being called by these strange men the actress glances up from her cellphone to stare at me.

I feel my breath get caught in my throat at the intense look in her eyes.

How is it possible for someone who is already good looking to get even more beautiful?

I do not think that I will ever understand the way 'second puberty' works.

My eyes begin to instinctively trail their way down her silhouette until they find her hand.

More specifically the shiny promise ring on her pointer finger.

She kept it.

At this realization my eyes meet hers again.

The actress now has a smile on her face.

At the sight of my eyes on hers again she moves away from the black SUV that she was leant against and holds her arms open for me.

I do what any sane person would do.

I run to her...I run to her as fast as I can.

When I inevitably reach her, instead of crashing into her, I jump at her.

Is that a smart idea? No, not really.

Thanks to her surprisingly fast reflexes she is able to catch me and prevent the both of us from crashing into the pavement.

"I missed you too" she chuckles into my neck

The paparazzi's screams, shouts and flashes fade to the back of my head as I connect the actress and I's lips for the first time...publicly that is.

It isn't a long kiss, but it is not a peck either.

When I disconnect our lips a big smile makes its way onto my face.

I slip out of the actress's grasp and grab ahold of her hand.

"Let's go home."


Finished this chapter on February 16 while eating Chinese food lmao.

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