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Word Count: 1328


Pain and confusion echo through my head as I slowly wake.

My body is upright, allowing my bearings to come back to me quickly. On instinct, I pull at my arms, but my wrists are tied together behind the chair I'm seated on, although my ankles are free.

Castiel leans against the wall in front of me, arms folded over his chest. Beside him, Senna, the smirk on her face rousing enough energy through me for me to snap fully back into consciousness. I've been kidnapped, and by the looks of the non-descript room I'm in, I'm not near Stace and Eyrk anymore.

"I'm going to kill you," I growl, twisting at my binds. Even if they were to come free, the only chance I would have against the two of them, and the presence I can feel behind me, would be to use the uncontrollable magic that I can't guarantee would even work.

"Calm down, Aven," Senna insists, striding forward. If I were able, I would be launching myself at her and taking the hit I've been dreaming of since she tied my mother down in my home realm. "Anger and panic isn't going to do you any good."

"You tied me down." She can't seriously expect me to be complacent when they injected me with who knows what, and don't look like they have any intention of letting me go, even if I ask.

"We know you're powerful. We can't have you setting us alight," Castiel notes, looking over my shoulder.

I frown. "Who is us?"

They all look a little wary all of a sudden, exchange glances before motioning at the person behind me to come forward. My entire body bristles, as I anticipate who I'm going to see. Doesn't matter who they are, if they are working with Senna and Castiel, then I want them dead just as much.

"I have someone I want you to meet," Senna says softly, the softest smile gracing her dainty features.

The softest patter of footsteps sound from beside me as the person in question rounds the chair, looking down at me. For a moment I just frown, confused, until I realise that the spark of recognition I feel isn't a mistake.

"You...I know you," I excuse.

It's the girl from the cemetery, from the train...Up close, there is no mistaking who she is. I should have known she was working with them. Castiel interrupted me that day, when I tried to pursue her.

"My name is Larea. I'm your sister," she says, her voice light and gentle. The day in the cemetery, I thought she was nothing more than part of my imagination, there to play tricks on me. I mean, how could she be both there, and this realm? And when I first saw her bleeding purple...I truly believed I was going insane.

I stare blankly at her. "I don't have a sister."

"You know I'm right," she crouches down, resting her hand on my thigh. I stare at it, covered with a lace glove, wishing I could physically remove it. "We have a different mother, but we have the same father. He doesn't know about me, though, which means I can keep you safe."

The things these freaks will say to try get me on there side...

"You're lying," I growl, glaring directly at her.

"You've felt connected to me since you met me, and you don't know why. It's because we share the same bloodline. I am your only family here, now. You can trust me," she insists. The way she speaks to me as if I'm a child, or as if I'm about to explode at any moment. And maybe I am, although for a moment my anger simmers, as I consider her words.

The fist time I met her, I was wary of her, and yet couldn't get her out of my head. And since then, I have felt drawn to her, and not just because of my curiosity to her identity...But does that actually mean we are sisters?

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