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Word Count: 1555


The inside of Avila's home is even more beautiful than out.

The entire colour palette is very pale, complimented by lush green foliage seeming to grow from nowhere, blooming the same pink flowers from the outside. This place is the embodiment of Spring, and is as effortlessly beautiful as Avila is.

After the past few hours that I've had, I feel almost too dirty and unkempt to be standing in here right now.

"What brings you here?" she asks, looking over her shoulder as she leads us through the main entrance, and to around the stairs. Stained glass windows cause a stunning, colourful reflection to swirl at our feet as we walk. Stace doesn't seem as in awe as I am, looking straight ahead where Avila takes us.

"I'm showing Aven, my mate, the territories," he explains, resting his hand on my lower back.

Avila turns, seeming to look at me in an entirely new light.

"Mate? Interesting." She sounds genuinely shocked, if not slightly judgmental. Does she not think I'm worthy enough to be mated to him? She obviously didn't assume it was possible upon first meeting. "It's nice to meet you. You're all welcome here whenever you please, although I must ask, what's with the body guard?"

I frown, following her gaze over my shoulder to see Eyrk walking in behind us. He looks a little ruffled, and the way he walks makes it seem like he's exhausted.

"Eryk, what are you doing here?" Stace questions, seeming surprised at his sudden appearance.

"I used the residual magic from your transporting. It was enough to get me here," he explains, running a hand back through his dark hair. I can't but feel relieved to see him okay, although I should have known he would be fine...He's attached to me, and I'm perfectly fine.

Eryk shifts on his feet, glancing between Avila and Stace. "Figured you would come here."

"Doesn't answer my question," Avila cuts in, raising her brows. I can hear the sharp tinge to her voice. She's a Princess, used to getting her own way.

Eryk doesn't look at me. "He's here to keep Aven safe."

Avila seems surprised. "In danger?"

I open my mouth, suddenly tempted to tell her about my powers, about how I can burn things, people, to an aggressive extent. Despite my fear, I'm even about to tell her that I can keep myself safe, although Stace cuts me off before I can admit anything incriminating about myself.

"No, just a precaution," Stace explains with a tight smile. Avila's eyes narrow only slightly, before she shrugs. She knows the dangers of being mated to someone in power.

"Alright, well come with me and let's have a drink. I've been getting into making cocktails," she says excitedly, turning a corner that leads to an outside area.

She pushes two large glass doors open, leading out into a pretty patio area that looks out toward a vast forest. I had no idea this was here, the mountain this estate is propped on extending up further toward the clouds. The perfect lawn before the forest has been cut into, a pond that could almost be a lake is etched into the landscape, a short wooden pier extending out into the middle of it.

*Where's Tade?" Stace asks, shrugging his jacket off.

"Oh, him?" Avila says, smoothing her hair back. The name, unfamiliar to me, seems to be a burden to her, as she chews on the edge of her lip. "He's never around anymore. I mean we are to be married shortly, so once that's done, I'll have to deal with him."

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