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Word Count: 1866


Later in the evening, with Stace distracted by other business with Eryk, I came to find myself sitting in Avila's private quarters with her and Poppy. It wasn't as if I could say no to it, so here I am, looking anywhere other than at Poppy.

Avila must live such a peaceful life in this utopia, although I get the understanding from the way she acts she doesn't see it the same way that I do. She is arranged to be married to someone she doesn't love, so I can see why she would be displeased. But just sitting in such a stunning place, with the sweet scented breeze blowing through the gauzy curtains makes me feel as though all issues have gone away.

"I don't want you to hate me," Poppy says suddenly, as the conversation between her and Avila dies down.

"Oh...No, I don't hate you," I exclaim, alarmed. I'm still not used to how confrontational she is, forcing me to be honest when I otherwise would rather keep to myself. "Stace is allowed to have a past."

And I mean that. I'm not upset at Poppy for relations to Stace, she just intimidates me.

"By the sounds of it, you're going to be a good ruler of Territory Two by his side," she muses. I examine her quietly, deciding she is being honest.

I settle back into my chair, uneasy. "I'm scared of that."

I haven't put much thought into what it would be like to rule at Stace's side. I'm hoping being mated to him doesn't automatically make me a leader, because I wouldn't have the slightest clue on how to be a good one, regardless of what Poppy has to say about it.

"Don't be, it's not as bad as you think," Avila exclaims, although her smile wavers.

"Do you have a mate?" I ask her.

"Not that I know of," she shrugs, looking out towards the window. There's a peaceful sorrow about her. She's been raised to be used to this life, and have gracefully accepted it, even if it makes her sad in a way she refuses to admit. And to me, that's sadder than anything else. "I'm to married soon to a man who basically hates me."

"Ah yes, Tade," Poppy muses grinning. Avila glowers at her, already sensing what she is about to say. "He's attractive though."

"You can have him," she mutters.

I look down at the coffee in my hands that I still haven't touched yet. "Do either of you know anything about my father? Apparently he was a terrible ruler."

For a moment, I thought there might be a chance they don't know he is, and for once, he hasn't left a horrible legacy in his wake. But hoping his pointless, because both Avila and Poppy still, exchanging glance between each other than are heavy with secondary meaning. And just like that, I feel like the enemy, even if my father's actions are not my fault.

"I remember him...He was a bad man," Poppy says solemnly. At least I can be glad for her honesty for once. She isn't the kind of person to stalk awkwardly around the issue and

"I know he's alive," I tell them. "Someone told me Stace knows where he is."

"And he hasn't told you?" Avila's brow furrows as she speaks. "Why would he keep that from you?"

"I have no idea, but I'm frightened that everything is going to change once I bring it up. I mean, I'm enjoying travelling and seeing the Territories, regardless of everything that has happened," admit. I'm also frustrated about my feelings for Stace. Because he's my mate, it makes it so much harder to hate him for keeping this for.

"But you can't do that if you don't trust him. You should bring it up," Poppy says clearly. I sigh through my nose, knowing she's right. "But be wary, your father was a terrible man, and people are going to want him dead."

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