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Nora sits alone at lunch, not having really made friends since she got here. Bella has and, apparently, she's attracted one of the weirdos. It's serious enough that she's met his family. Speaking off. Everyone subtly watches the Cullen family enter the cafeteria as always; nobody is over them being here apparently. She rolls her eyes and looks down at her book.

"Hey, Nora right?"

Nora looks up in surprise, face to face with the smallest but prettiest Cullen. "Yeah... Alice, right?"

Alice smiles and slips into the chair beside Nora. "Yeah, hi. I thought I'd introduce myself since our siblings are friends."

"Friends, sure." Nora nods.

Alice giggles as she nods. "Friends." She teases. "Do you need someone to sit with?"

"I'm good. Thanks. I like using lunch time to do homework." She shrugs.

Alice nods small. "Well I'll leave you be then... its lovely meeting you Nora, don't be a stranger."

Nora gives a polite smile and watches Alice skip away back to her siblings. The blonde girl, Rose or something, seems to tell Alice off for some reason. Nora doesn't care enough to know why and looks back at her book, sighing deeply. No wonder Bella is obsessed with them when they all look like that. She looks back up to see Edward and Bella have now joined the table and her heart breaks a little more. She wishes Jacob would look at her the way Edward looks at his sister...

Edward glances over at that thought, giving a small sad smile. Nora blushes, embarrassed she got caught, before she hangs her head to look at her books again. Bella notices Edwards gaze. "Is she okay?" Bella asks softly. "I worry about her."

"She's okay." He smiles.

"Can we skip tonight..?" Bella asks nervously as she glances at her sister. "I kinda really want to spend time with her."

"I was going to suggest that." He nods. "I'll see you tonight anyway." He kisses her head.

She smiles small and grabs her tray, going over. "Hey dork." She says as she slips into the chair opposite her sister.

Nora looks up and smiles. "Hey stranger. Dumped already?" She teases.

"Of course." Bella rolls her eyes. "No he's sulky coz I bailed, I wanna do a movie night and I know you won't refuse." Bella shrugs.

"Oh won't I?" Nora sasses.

"You wouldn't turn down Shrek 1 and 2." Bella shrugs.

Nora giggles. "Oh okay, no I definitely won't. You don't have to bail on him though."

"I do. Id rather hang out with you anyway. How's Jake?" She enquires, smiling at how excited Nora gets when talking about their time together.


Nora runs from the bus stop, almost getting hit by a car or two, and races home to her dad. Bella left, real suddenly a few nights ago, and she hasn't been able to sleep since. It's like a part of her is missing. They messed around on the way to school that morning, she introduced Edward to her and Charlie and then... she just left.

"Dad?! Anything!?" She calls, bursting into the house.

Charlie holds up a hand, talking intently on the phone - to Renee? She can't tell. He seems stressed as he rubs his forehead, nodding occasionally. "We'll be on the first flight." He promises, hanging up. "Nor, go grab some clothes-"

"Why, where are we going!?"

"Phoenix, Bells is there." He says, no relief in his voice. "She took a fall but she's okay."

Irish twins | b.swanWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu