15 : Labored Breaths

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That was I could see, hear and feel.

My house looked more like a fish market than the peaceful place I was used to.
Especially since our high school is over, and college life was to begin, so we were home all the time.

Our relatives that live nearby had come over to get ready, 'why' you ask??

Since they needed a place to get ready.

Again 'why'

Because according to them their place was in chaos and it was causing them a headache.......hmm, why does that sound familiar......* cue to eye roll *

My cousin was getting married.
Since their house was overflowing with guests, the bride and a few family members took refuge in our house to get ready.

And the room they thought was best for that, was My room.

MY ROOM.....

I was feeling like strangling every single person's neck.

I was okay with sharing my room as long as they were behaving like human beings, but OH MY GODDD...

My room was a mess.
And I hate it when people, excluding a selected few, use my washroom.
They were continuously using the washroom since there were about 15 - 20 women getting ready in my room, they didn't even have the curtsy to use the washroom slippers, so they had dirtied my bathroom and my room's floor. There were brown footprints all over.
I was feeling Michmichi just looking at that.

I wanted to hurl.
I ain't using my washroom now.
I'll ask Mumma to call Maansi aunty (our house help) when we are at the wedding venue, so it'll be clean before I return.

Thank god Mumma informed me before they barged into our home, so I locked away all my precious items and my white carpet was safely locked in the guestroom closet.

I was collecting the required items when Mumma entered the room and cringed when she saw the floor. She is a cleanliness freak.
Same pinch Mumma.

She walked towards me
" Go take your bath and start getting ready. "

" Mumma you can't be serious. Look towards my washroom. " I said baffled.

She turned towards the washroom and then her eyes closed, her mouth twisted and her entire body shivered as if chills just ran down her spine.


" Oh god, I'll ask Maansi to come clean when we are at the venue. "
She said looking traumatized.

I'm definitely her daughter.

" Yeah, that's why I'm collecting my stuff, I'll get ready at Haans's. I'm getting the hell outta here. "
I said while picking up my heels.

𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖀𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖎𝖆Where stories live. Discover now