64 : God of Death

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" What can she possibly do? Tell me

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" What can she possibly do? Tell me. "
Piku asked

" Talk it out with her parents, or someone. "
Viki suggested

We all nodded.

" It unfortunately doesn't work like that everywhere. I mean we are lucky to have an understanding circle and parents. But it isn't like that everywhere. "
Piku said sadly.

We were discussing a problem Piku's distant cousin is facing right now.

The poor girl is barely 21, and has barely stepped foot in adulthood, but her relatives are trying to get her married.

It happened because the guy's grandmother was in bad health and was asking for the typical ' let me see the face of my great grandchild before I die '.
The guy has liked Piku's cousin for about two years and is from a very wealthy family.

So once they asked the girl's parents for her hand, they couldn't believe it. They were in seventh heaven.

Now the girl doesn't want to marry so soon and wants to study, while her parents keep forcing her to get married otherwise she'll cry for the rest of her life after losing a groom and family like that.

The poor girl is forcefully getting married. Because her parents, especially her grandmother, are somehow emotionally blackmailing her with the same reason.


" But I strongly disagree with that. I really do "
I said
" It's such a stupid thing to ask for. I mean she's old and obviously will die. And I might seem like a complete bitch for saying this but she can't take such a major decision in someone's life.
This is so messed up. "

" Oh, and by the way, her grandmother pulled the same stunt twenty two years back, when she was extremely ill, leading to my cousin's birth. "
Piku added

" Wow. So the old woman who was supposed to die twenty two years back, managed to survive, and now torture the granddaughter the exact same way? "
Ritz asked

Piku nodded.

" I mean I understand loving and respecting your parents, but marriage is a huge decision to be made. You'll be spending the rest of your life with that person. You should be the one who decides when and whom to get married to. "
I said.

" Yeah, but if our parents asked this of us today, we will fight them for sure, but will we be able to go against them after all the love and care we got from them without anything in return? "
Avi asked

" True. I mean our parents never forced us for anything at all. We have lived great sheltered lives. If our parents ask this one thing, will we be able to deny it? "
I asked

I'm not saying that you give up deciding for your life, but after our parents provided us with the best life they can, will we be able to deny them?

" I have no such problem. I'll ask them to go to hell. "
Ritz said bored

𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖀𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖎𝖆Where stories live. Discover now