The Change

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"Ray... Ray....Ray...RAY"
Ray started to come to and all he could hear was Schwoz saying his name continuously into the comms. He sat up and rubbed his head.
"Ray....Ray" Schwoz continued.
"SCHWOZ, shut up" Ray spoke into the comms.
"Oh Ray your okay we couldn't get ahold of you and didn't know if something had gone wrong. Are you and Henry okay?" Schwoz questioned.
"Yeah I'm fine.... KID" Rays eyes widened as he recalled before he fell unconscious and turned around like a bolt of lightning to find that Henry wasn't next to him. "No no no no" Ray placed his hand on his head and began murmuring to himself.
"Ray.. Ray did something happen" Charlottes voice now came through the comms. "Is Henry okay?".
Ray stood frozen in silence not faltering even with Charlottes voice continuously speaking.
"Im so sorry Charlotte but Henry's gone" Ray snapped out of his trace and finally answered Charlottes question.
"What" Was the only thing that came from the comms before everything went silent.
"I'll be back at the mancave soon and tell everyone what happened" Ray spoke into the comms before heading towards the door to the warehouse.
He turned around and took one last look at the warehouse before walking off leaving everything what had happened in the dust.
~10 minutes later~
"What do you think happened out there" Charlotte asked turning her chair around.
"I have no idea" Jasper answered worried "I guess Ray will tell us when he gets back".
As if on queue a beep came from the tubes and Ray came shooting from the tube into the man cave.
"What happened where's Henry?" Charlotte ran over to the tubes. Jasper and Schwoz followed.
Ray de-transformed then went and sat down on the couch. He placed his head in his hands and sighed.
"Ray what happened" Charlotte asked again getting more and more anxious the longer he remained silent.
Ray took a long deep breath before looking up and telling them everything that had happened.
~5 minutes later~
Everyone was now sat in silence. The one who broke the silence was Jasper.
"Hold on a moment why would Doctor Minyak take Henry" Jasper looked towards everyone. "Doctor Minyak had you both pinned in a corner and all he ever wanted was to destroy you so why would he take Henry".
"I have no idea" Ray answered lying back onto the couch. "All that matters is that Henry has been captured by this criminal and we need to get him back before Doctor Minyak does something to him"
"Yes I'll set a search for him right now" Charlotte stood up and headed over to the computers"
"And I'll get my search device" Schwoz said heading up the steps.
"Just you wait kid, we are coming" Ray spoke to himself looking at the ceiling "just hold on".
~With Henry~

"Ughhh" Henry woke up and the first thing he realised was the small nagging feeling at the back of his head. He opened his eyes revealing a bright light. He immediately closed his eyes again. He waited a few seconds and tried again. He did this a few times until he could open his eyes fully without squinting. The first thing he did was look around. He tried to figure out where he was but there wasn't much to go on. The walls were a plain grey and the only thing around him was a small table holding a few pieces of equipment. Henry tried to move but realised he couldn't. He looked down to see that his arms and legs had been strapped down on a tilting table. Apart from everything else he was glad he was still in his costume. He tugged at the ropes and tried to forcefully get himself free but failed. He kept tugging at the rope until he was too tired to continue. "Dang it, come on" Henry spoke to himself stressed.

"It not going to work your just going to hurt yourself" A voice came from the end of the room. Henry turned his head around to see Doctor Minyak and Nurse Cohort stood looking at him. They began walking towards him and Henry noticed a small device in Nurse Cohorts hand containing what looked like a thick purple bubbling liquid.

"You have been out for quite a while" Doctor Minyak spoke looking at Henry "But now that you are awake we can finally begin." Both villains laughed looking at each other.

"Begin what" Henry asked starting to get agitated.

"Begin working for me of course" Doctor Minyak stated as if Henry was supposed to know that.

"I will never work for you" Henry replied acidly.

"Well now Kid Danger you don't have a choice in the matter" Doctor Minyak smiled evilly at Henry. "Nurse Cohort"

Henry looked to his left to see Nurse Cohort hold up the device she has been holding and headed towards Henry. He began pulling even harder on the ropes now and was moving his head back and forth to get away from the small device.

"Hold him down" Henry heard Doctor Minyak order. Nurse Cohort grabbed Henrys head and forced it onto the back of the table with a bang. She passed the device to Doctor Minyak who held it to Henrys neck. Henry tried to get away from the needle but Nurse Cohort held his head down so tightly he couldn't move. Doctor Minyak stuck the needle into Henrys neck and injected the thick purple liquid from the vile into his blood.

Pain. That's all Henry could feel. As soon as the liquid was injected into him all he could feel was a horrible burning sensation. He felt as if his whole body was on fire. It kept getting worse and worse and the only thing Henry could feel relief over was giving up but he thought of Ray, Charlotte and everyone who was waiting for him and probably looking for him at that very moment. He couldn't give up not now.

Doctor Minyak and Nurse Cohort watched at Kid Danger struggled in pain. He was pushing against the ropes and the pain on his face was clearly visible. "The effects should kick in at any moment now" Doctor Minyak said watching Kid Danger struggle. "As soon as he gives up we can finally start part 2 of my plan" Doctor Minyak laughs evilly and Nurse Cohort joins in.

Darkness kept clouding Henrys view and he was struggling to keep control. Every time he resisted he pain got worse and it wasn't going to stop as much as he tried. Henry tried one last fleeting attempt to resist and he saw a picture of all he friends stood in the mancave together all smiling. He smiled back and then everything went dark.

Doctor Minyak and Nurse Cohort noticed as Kid Danger stops squirming and remained completely still looking down towards his feet.

"Kid Danger" Doctor Minyak asked taking a step closer to Henry. Henry looked up at Doctor Minyak but the boy looking up at him was not the same boy that had been there before. His face was emotionless and uncaring. His body was completely still.

"He's ready" Doctor Minyak smiled.

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