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Henry didn't know what to do. He just stood there staring at this poor man. He checked behind him to check the door was sealed and looked for any hidden cameras before he opened his comms. Ray popped up above Henry's comms.
"Ray" Henry whispered.
"What's going on?" Ray asked "we were going to wait a while so we could surprise Doctor Minyak at the perfect time".
"We need to go now. Doctor Minyak wants me to force information out of this man" Henry continues to whisper into the comms.
"Alright I will be there as soon as possible" Ray said disappearing off the hologram.
Henry closed his comms and sighed. He leaned against the wall and put his head back. He looked over to the man sat on the chair and walked over to him. Henry bent down and began to unity the man's hands. He was almost done when he heard the door open. He shut upwards and stood in front of the man obscuring him from view. Doctor Minyak and Nurse Cohort came back into the room.
"So Kid Danger did you get the information out of him" Doctor Minyak asked.
"Yes" Henry blurted out panicking.
"Very good" Doctor Minyak smiled "come with me to the computer so we can put in the rest of the equation in".
Henry followed Doctor Minyak out of the room and towards the huge computer. Numbers were streaming down the computer trying to find the correct digits for the missing part of the formula.
"Kid Danger put in the code" Doctor Minyak looked towards Henry.
Henry passed Doctor Minyak and stood in front of the computer. He looked down at the keyboard and began typing random numbers into it. In his head he was wishing for Ray to burst right into the base and save him.
"Are you done!" Doctor Minyak leaned over Henry.
Henry stood backwards letting Doctor Minyak get through. He began pressing buttons on the computer and setting up the algorithm. On the screen popped at percentage timer that was heading up and up and up. It reached 100% and turned red.
"Algorithm not recognised" Recited the computer.
"What" Doctor Minyak slammed his hands on the table making Henry flinch.
Doctor Minyak turned to Henry and pointed his finger at him. He was about to say something when the door to his base fell to the floor. He turned around to see Captain Man stood by the entrance. He put his hand to his hips and smiled.Henry grinned so hard and ran over to Ray giving him and huge hug.
"You alright Kid" Ray looked at Henry.
Henry sighed with such relief and broke from the hug.
"I'm fine and ready to fight a villain" Henry replied upbeat.
They both turned to Doctor Minyak who had the darkest face you will ever see. The hatred shown in his eyes was beyond human.
"Doctor Minyak you are going back to prison" Ray stated.
"Not this time Captain Man" Doctor Minyak lifted his head high.
Ray and Henry both looked at each other then ran to the two villains. Henry rammed into Doctor Minyak and Ray swung towards Nirse Cohort.
Nurse Cohort was not hard to subdue. Ray took a swing at her but she didn't put her hands up and took it straight to the face. She fell to the ground unconscious before she even hit the ground. Ray took one last look at Nurse Cohort and turned to where Henry was.
Henry had rammed into Doctor Minyak but he used his hands to block the impact. The twisted Henry's arms around and flung him back. Henry raised his arms to a fighting stance and and Doctor Minyak did the same. Both began testing each other throwing little punches to catch each other off guard. Both did this circling each other but then Henry lunged at Doctor Minyak but Minyak was ready and stepped backwards causing Henry to fall forward and Doctor Minyak used his momentum to push him onto the ground. Henry groaned and lifted himself off the ground and lifted his head to see Ray running towards him. Henry smiled but stopped as he was jerked back and into the armlock of Doctor Minyak. Ray stopped running and halted in front of Doctor Minyak.
"Move and I shoot him" Doctor Minyak yelled putting a gun to Henry's Head.
Ray raised his hands and looked to Henry.
"Kid are you okay?"
"I'm fine" Henry answered. "Argh"
Henry grunted in pain as Docto Minyak tightened his grip on his neck.
"Don't talk to him talk to me I've got all the cards" Doctor Minyak yelled madness in his eyes.
Ray stood still and his gaze remained on Henry  who slowly nodded looking towards Doctor Minyak and with his free hand made a talking motion where Doctor Minyak couldn't see.
"Well Doctor Minyak it looks like you've won" Ray spoke.
"Yes I finally have" Doctor Minyak laughs pleased with himself.
"You finally beat me" Ray looked towards Henry and then back at Doctor Minyak.
Doctor Minyak let his guard down and lowered his gun slightly and it was only a small amount but this was all Henry needed. Using his super mobility Henry rushed his free hand and slammed down on Doctor Minyaks arm which caused his to yelp in pain dropping his gun. He pushed Henry to the ground and went looking for the gun but Ray tackled him to the ground. Ray turned Doctor Minyak over and handcuffed his hands behind his back. Ray picked Doctor Minyak up and threw him next to Nurse Cohort.
Ray then turned to see Henry sat up on the floor . He went over to him and offered his hand. Henry took it and pulled himself up.
"We did it, Minyak is going back to prison" Henry said puffed out.
"Yeah. I guess it's time to get these two back to the prison" Ray turned to the villains.
"Yeah" Henry said.
"How does it feel" Ray looks to Henry.
Henry thought for a second then looked at Ray and replied "it feels good".

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