The Cure

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"How's it going Schwoz" Ray asked.
Schwoz had been working on the cure for a good 10 minutes. Viles were bubbling and his machine was making clashing noises which worried Charlotte if it was working and going to break but Schwoz said it was all part of the process.
"I'm nearly done" Schwoz replied with his back turned to Ray "I should have enough of the cure soon".
Ray sighed in relief.
"Guys" Japser spoke.
"So how long will it take?" Ray asked ignoring Jasper.
"Ermm hard to say but give or take 10 minutes" Schwoz calculated.
"Guys" Jasper spoke again.
"So not long then" Ray said.
"Guys" Jasper said a third time.
"What Jasper" Ray turned to him annoyed.
"Ermm" Jasper looked towards the middle of the room not making eye contact with Ray "Henry's awake".
"What" Ray and Schwoz both spun around to see Henry looking towards them.
Henry sat there totally unfazed looking at all four members stood in front of him. His eyes looked up and down each member as if to study them before laying eyes on Ray and leaving them stuck on him.
"How long has he been awake?" Ray asked turning his head towards Jasper.
"I have no idea" Jasper turned his head to Ray then back to Henry "I just turned to look at him and he was just staring at me".
Ray turned towards Henry and opening his mouth to say something but Charlotte got there first. She burst past Ray and ran to a few feet in front of Henry. Henry now took his glance away from Ray and locked his eyes onto Charlotte.
"Henry" Charlotte spoke looking to see any recognition in Henry's eyes.
Henry just stared up at her showing no sort of emotion.
"Charlotte I've already tried" Ray began "Back at the car park and warehouse I tried to get through to Henry but nothing works" Ray walked over to Charlotte and put his hand on her shoulder but she swiped him off and turned to look to Ray.
"Maybe he will recognise me" Charlotte pleaded at Ray.
"The cure is almost ready we can help him soon" Ray reassured Charlotte.
Charlotte looked at Ray at smiled which meant Ray smiled back.
"Help me huh" A voice came from behind them.
Ray and Charlotte turned around to see Henry smirking at them. It was so heartless that Ray recoiled in shock and Charlotte stood back in confusion. Everyone stood there in shock as Henry passed each of them with his eyes. The silence was disturbed by the beeping of Schwozs machine. Schwoz ran over to it and clicked a button to stop the beeping.
"The cure is ready" Schwoz turned to everyone. Jasper, Charlotte and Ray ran over to the machine but that was a grave mistake.

What nobody noticed was Henry's hands. Henry had begun picking the handcuffs. He had been doing this ever since he woke up but had kept all attention away from his hands. Now was the perfect time for him to pick the lock without being seen.

Schwoz took the antidote from the vile and withdrew it into the needle. He tapped it with his finger and headed over to Henry. He was about to stick the needle into Henry's neck when the boy jumped from his chair and elbowed Schwoz in the face. Schwoz fell backwards dropping the needle from his hand where it landed on the floor a meter away from him. Henry threw the handcuffs onto the floor and looked towards Ray.
"Charlotte, Jasper get behind me" Ray gestured to both kids.
Henry charged at Ray and Ray grabbed hold of Henry's arms flinging him into the wall. Henry got back up and ran to Ray jumping and punching him in the face. The two men began clashing punches and kicks while trying to defend themselves.
Charlotte saw an opportunity and ran over to where Schwoz was and grabbed the needle.
"RAY" Charlotte yelled.
Ray punched Henry backwards and looked over to Charlotte who held up the needle and threw it to him. Ray caught in and charged into Henry knocking him down and plunged the needle into Henry's neck injecting the liquid with it.
Ray let go off Henry and dropped the empty needle onto the floor.
Henry blinked once then twice and closed his eyes passed out.
Ray stood up and turned to Schwoz who was prodding his hurt nose from Henry's surprise attack.
"Will it work?" Ray asked Schwoz.
"We will only know when he wakes up" Schwoz looks at Henry passed out cold on the floor.

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