Chapter 14

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Dinner the other night with Taylor helped relieve so much anxiety that was looming over my head. She answered so many questions I had about WTF has been going on around here. Namely, all things Chase-related.

Turns out Chase likes me; he isn't involved with Taylor, she's actually pretty cool, and she may or may not have best friend potential. The last part remains to be seen. I'm taking this one step at a time, starting with Chase.

Clearly, my libido is running the show these days. Not that I'm complaining. It has been a long time since I've had any kind of release in that way. Ya know, that way that requires a willing second participant. Yeah, over two years since that's happened- not so much fun. And now that I have been made aware Chase may be interested, I think I may just let him break that streak.

I mean, who better to get me out of my self-induced celibacy than an incredibly hot hockey player. One with washboard abs, a happy trail, and a panty-dropping smile. And with Chase', experience, I'm sure he knows what he's doing. A guy like him could probably go for hours...

As I drift into dangerous territory in my mind, a loud thud draws my attention to the bedroom door. Before me is Taylor standing in the now, wide-open doorway with a massive smirk on her face. "Check your phone." She commands.

My phone dings with a new text from an unknown number. "What's this?"

"It should be a text from Chase. Probably saying something generic like "hey" or "sup." I gave him your number and told him not to be a pansy and text you." She smiles proudly. "I told him you would be waiting to hear from him. Hope you don't mind that I gave him your contact info."

She walks back out of the room. And I stare blankly at my screen as it dings a second time with another text from the same number. I read:

Unknown number: Hey

Unknown number: This is Chase. Just so you know.

My phone alerts me to a third text. Followed shortly by a fourth.

Unknown number: Um, Taylor gave me your number and said I should text you. So I'm texting you.

Unknown number: I hope that's ok. That I'm texting you. Or that I have your number...

I save Chase's contact info to my phone and start to type a reply. Just as I'm about to hit send, my phone dings again.

Chase: I thought I'd say hi. See how you're doing. This is ok, right?

He's rambling. Is he nervous right now? That's so cute! I smile to myself and hit send.

Me: Yeah, she told me she gave you my number. I'm glad she did.

Chase: Yeah? Cool! are you?

Me: I'm good. Taylor and I had a very interesting talk the other night...

Chase: Oh? What did you two talk about?

Me: Lots of things. Family, college, work, guys...

Chase: Guys, huh? What guys specifically?

My heart is beating out of my chest. I can't tell him we talked about him. Can I? I bite my lip in contemplation. I mean, Taylor did say he liked me, and he enlisted her to help get me back in his good graces. I just don't know if I have the guts to actually start that conversation with him. A sudden burst of courage springs out through my fingertips. I start typing out my message and hover my finger over the 'send' button.

Center ChaseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang