Chapter 34

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This feels like a dream. It's been a few weeks since everything went down at the bar, and I'm amazed at how great things have been going.

Liam didn't kick my ass when he found out about Lindsey and me, though I'm pretty sure he wanted to, and our friendship is still intact. For that, I will be eternally grateful. The one thing I was worried about losing in my pursuit of Lindsey was my best friend. And it seems he's forgiven me for sneaking around with his sister.

His only request so far has been that we don't expose him to excessive public displays of affection. He said he could handle the idea of us being together, but if he saw my tongue down his sister's throat again, he couldn't promise not to go psycho big bro on my ass. I can respect that. I'm lucky he's such a good guy. I'm pretty sure most others would have punched me into tomorrow without a second thought.

Lindsey tried to convince Liam to move back into his room last week. That almost turned into a disaster. When she first suggested it, I thought Liam was going to blow a blood vessel. He argued that there was no reason for her to move into my room because there was no reason for our relationship to move to that level.

Man, if he only knew...Yeah, if he only knew, I'd be a dead man.

They argued back and forth for quite a while on that subject before Taylor stepped in and suggested they leave for a bit so he could work off his frustration. Lucky for Lindsey and me, he went for it, and they left to go to the gym. While they were gone, Lindsey moved her things into my room and Liam's back to his.

He was irritated about that when he got back and sulked the rest of the night but didn't try to argue about it anymore. I'm guessing Taylor talked some sense into him about it while they were working out because I fully expected him to lose his shit over it when he came back.

It feels incredible to fall asleep next to Lindsey every night and wake up to her beautiful face every morning. I feel like I'm living inside a dream. If that's true, I don't think I ever want to wake up.

We've finally been able to discuss everything that's been going on, and I think we're on the same page about where we both stand. She apologized profusely for letting Val get between us and promised not to let my past get in the way of our future going forward. I told her I would spend every day showing her that she's the only one for me because it's true.

I've never felt this way about anyone. For me, Lindsey is it. She's my girl, my one and only. And I plan on spending the rest of my days proving that to her, no matter what. I started by making her officially my girlfriend. She was so happy when I asked her. Her gorgeous face lit up, and nothing in the world could bring me down in that moment. Doing that was so important to me. Letting her know she's mine and I'm hers. For as long as she'll have me.

I think us going public has given my girl the confidence she needed to feel safe in our relationship again. She seems so much brighter, and I thrive on her happiness. Her joy fuels me, and I can't get enough. I think the fact that Val no longer hangs around me is incredibly helpful too. She doesn't come close anymore and won't even look in Lindsey's direction. I think my badass girl really put her in her place!

The other guys have either congratulated me on my new relationship status or given me loads of shit for it, but I don't mind either way. I'm just glad to have a new relationship status with Lins. When I thought I lost her, it felt like a huge chunk of me was missing. Now that she's back, I feel complete. Having her back has helped my game too. We've been on a winning streak, and if we keep this up, we have a great shot at the championship.

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