Chapter 39

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There is only one thing on my mind- how lucky I am to have this beauty in my arms lying next to me. She came into my life just when I needed her. Just when I thought I wouldn't find someone I could care for like this. Everything about her blows me away- the way she loves, her strength, her kindness, and so much more.

Lindsey is the most amazing woman I've ever met. How I ever got so lucky, I'll probably never know, but I am so happy I get to call her mine. As she looks up at me with those gorgeous green eyes through her thick lashes, I almost say it- the phrase I've been dying to say for a while now.

I love you.

This isn't the time or place. I want to do something big, something special for her when I tell her those three words. I want that moment to be perfect. As much as it kills me to keep quiet, I know I need to so I can make that memory special for her. So, instead, I pour all my love into a kiss that I plant softly on her plump lips. It's slow and sweet but full of passion. Our eyes close as we both get lost in the kiss.

We stay like that for what feels like hours, basking in the warmth of one another. Both unwilling to let go. I have to go back to the guest room before anyone wakes up. We know that, but it's so hard to leave her. It's too tempting to stay here and fall asleep with her in my arms.

I finally get a small amount of willpower to get out of her cozy bed. She gives me a sad smile and a knowing look. This is just as hard for her as it is for me. I search for my clothes in the dark room so I can make my way back down the hallway. I slide my boxer briefs and jeans on and toss my shirt over my shoulder.

Lindsey wraps a blanket around herself and comes to stand next to me at the door. I pull her into my chest and give her another searing kiss before telling her goodnight and how I wish I didn't have to leave her. It's only for a few hours, but I hate it.

I want to wake up with her snuggled against me. I want to see the morning sun splay across her face as she sleeps in my arms. Just having her near does something to me that I can't explain. It's like as long as I have her, nothing else matters. She makes my world feel full and warm even on the worst of days.

She is my everything.

I crack the door open just enough to peek into the hallway, making sure no one is around. Once I confirm the coast is clear, I ease out of the room and creep down the hallway. I make it quickly and quietly to the guest bedroom and shut myself inside. Before climbing into the cold bed, I toss my shirt on the floor and slip out of my jeans.

My arms curl around one of the pillows as I pull it to my chest, sighing. It's a poor substitute for my girl, but it's the only thing I've got in this lonely room to fill the void in my arms. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep. And when I do, there's only one person who stars in my dreams.


There's a scent of something delicious wafting through the air when I wake up. I smell bacon, sausage, and something very sweet and fruity. I sit up, rubbing my eyes as I check the clock on the nightstand. It reads 9:21 AM. At least I got a few hours of sleep last night. It was just so hard to leave Lindsey.

I wonder if she's awake yet.

I pull on a tee shirt and a pair of jeans and decide to check. As I pass the stairs on my way to her room, I hear Liam talking with his parents. Outside Lindsey's door, I stop and knock lightly. A few seconds later, I hear the soft pad of footsteps approaching. My girl opens the door and greets me with a glowing smile. She looks tired.

"Good morning," she tells me as she covers a yawn behind her hand.

"Morning. I shouldn't have kept you up so late, babe. I'm sorry."

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