Chapter Six

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Amara pov

It's been two weeks ever since our little 'date' and I haven't seen them since then.

I wonder if Stefano is ignoring me on purpose. Stefano is way out of my league so I wouldn't be surprised. Then again... He's so kind to me.

I'm currently in the bakery baking cookies. Shocker, teehee.

Jeong never came like he said he would, and it's been what now? Three months? I can't even remember the last time I saw him, that's how long ago it was.

I take the freshly baked cookies put of the oven and make my way to the counter, where a smiling Leonardo and Aria are standing. I smile back at them and lean over to look down for a Marco but... nothing.

My face falls in dissapointment and they seem to notice because their smiles fade.

"You're coming with us today" Leonardo declared, shooting me one of his devilish grins.

"Okay?" I say unsurely.

"Good because you didn't really have a option" Aria says.

I laugh before taking off my apron and going back to my office to get my things.

"Hey David? I'm heading out for the day. You guys can manage right?" I ask one of my staff members.

"About time! I thought you'd permanently start working and we wouldn't have jobs" he says laughing.

I give him a playful glare before going back to those two kidnappers. They smile and lead me out of the bakery and into one of their cars. Since Leonardo is driving, I assume it's his.

"So... Where are you guys taking me?" I ask.

"We're going to my house for a pool party. We haven't seen you in a while since you haven't bothered showing up again." Aria says giving me a playful glare.

"Guys, I don't have a swimming costume and besides, I don't think Stefano wants me there" I whisper the last part but of course they heard.

"Why would you say that?" Aria asks.

"Well... After he took me and Marco to the park two weeks ago, he hasn't contacted me since. Marco also hasn't come to the bakery, instead Leonardo just collects the cookies" I say.

They're both silent for a while before Leonardo decides to swerve the car in another direction, causing both me and Aria to complain.

"Change of plans ladies, we are going to get you-" he points at me in through the rear view mirror, "the hottest bikini and after that we are going to get our nails done, or rather you guys are gonna get your nails done" he says parking the car and it's only then that I realise, we're already at the mall.

"And why are we getting our nails done?" I ask.

"Because Stefano has to see that you don't care about him ignoring you. You are gonna walk into that house and own the place... Well for the day" Aria says with a huge smile on her face.

They both get out of the car and I quickly jump out after them.

This is gonna be quite the day....


"guys can we go now" I whine.

We already bought my bikini, got brunch, did our nails and bought me a outfit. I'm tired now.

"Just the shoes left hun" Leonardo says.

I swear he's more dedicated to this than I am.

I see a toy shop and my mind immediately drifts to Marco. I miss him, I pout.

After a while we finally make it to Aria's house. As soon as we enter, I hear Marco's giggling.

"Aria" I whisper.

"What? Why are we whispering?" she asks.

"I thought you said the others won't arrive until 1." I say.

"Yeah but, Dante asked Stefano to help him with the barbeque" she says shrugging.

She takes my hand and drags me to the kitchen where Stefano is holding a giggling Marco in his arms, while Dante makes funny faces to him.

They freeze immediately as we walk in. I smile softly at Stefano, which he doesn't return. My face falls immediately.

"Hey guys, babe did you get the snacks I asked you to get?" Aria asks Dante as she walks to him.

He immediately wraps his arms around her and pull her in for a kiss.

"Yes babe, everything's set" he says.

Marco finally spots me and a squeal leaves his mouth. He wiggles in his dad's arms but Stefano won't let him down.

"Papà! Go Mawa" he says still wiggling.

"No buddy, you're not going to her" he says and I can't help but feel pain at how he said it.

"What is she doing here?" He asks Dante who just shrugs his shoulders.

I feel tears brick my eyes and Marco starts crying. My heart hurts to hear his cries. I hesitantly move to Stefano and hold my arms out to Marco.

He leans forward to come to me but Stefano holds him back.

"Pl-please give him to me" I say softly.

Marco's cries become louder so I reach out and take him from Stefano, he doesn't protest this time. What did I do to him?

I rock Marco gently and walk out to the hallway. After a few minutes he calms down and puts his face in my neck.

"I missed you, jellybean" I whisper.

"Me miss Mawa but, Mawa sick" he mumbles.

When was I sick?

"Sorry baby, I promise I won't leave you okay?" I say softly.

"Okay" he says.

I kiss his head and watch as Stefano walks to me. He immediately takes Marco from my arms and he doesn't protest because he's probably tired.

Marco snuggles into Stefano's arms and I smile lightly before meeting Stefano's angry looking eyes.

"Why are you here?" he asks.

"Ummm, Aria and Leonardo invited me" I say softly.

"So what? You just wiggle your way in to our lives? You know, she warned me about you. You're always looking for rich families for your gold digging ways" he says.

"What?" I ask stunned. Me? A goldigger? Hell to the no!

"What are you talking about, I'm not that type of person." I say.

"Oh stop the acting. That's why your alone so you can gold dig. Do you even have a brother?" he asks.

"Well, Stefano. If you must know, my parents live in Korea, although I think I mentioned it. Also my brother is the same person your little sister is 'obsessed' with. I never cared about fame or money. I worked hard to open my bakery and although my brother offered to help me with it, I refused. I can't believe you just went around listening to whatever people tell you! My brother is a famous model /actor, of course people don't like me! "I say. The tears has already spilled out of my eyes.

I wipe them furiously and walk away from his stunned face. I catch Dante and Aria making out on the counter.

" Oh! Ummm, sorry to interrupt. Aria, thank you so much for inviting me but I'll take my leave. I'm clearly not wanted here so... Enjoy your party" I say.

I walk out and see Stefano standing in the same place I left him. I sigh and go behind him. I stand on my tip toes and place a gentle kiss on Marco's sleeping face.

"Bye jellybean" I whisper before walking out the door.

Well... Ice cream and Netflix, here I come.

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