Chapter Fifteen

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Stefano pov

It's been two days ever since I've seen Amara. I've been too busy at the office. Someone stole a very important file, full of all my ideas for the company. I'm beyond pissed.

"Hey boss man. We can't identify the person on the footage. The person is wearing a dark cloke and the face is completely covered." says Dante.

"Fuck! How did that person get through the security, not to mention the secretary! It's clearly someone known." I say angrily.

"I think so too. The security and employees clearly know the person. Now, calm down and go for a drive or something. I'll handle things here." He says.

I nod my head and get up. I hug Dante before leaving the office. My employees clearly know not to approach me when I'm angry. I walk past everyone and finally reach outside. I breath in the fresh air. The streets are busy as always and the cars are honking nonstop.

I look at all the people, walking fast. Everyone on their own mission but yet, they stop for the homeless man on the street, they make way for each other and they tip the singer on the street. Life.

I get into my car and immediately drive to Amara's bakery. As it comes in view, a smile immediately appears on my face. I park and get out. I open the door and my eyes immediately lands on the beautiful, small yet fierce woman standing behind the counter.

She's laughing with a tall man though. No no no. I walk up to the counter and smile from behind the man. Amara spots me and she smiles widely before she comes running over to me. I open my arms and she runs into me, hugging me tightly. I smile and wrap my arms around her small body. I kiss her head gently.

"I missed you" she says softly.

She pulls away making me groan. The people in the bakery are taking pictures of us, I don't care though.

The man clears his throat making us look at him. Amara smiles and grabs his arm, tugging him to her.

"Stef this is Steve, he's a friend from my high school. Steve, this is Stefano my-"

"Boyfriend" I say with a smile.

Amara looks at me clearly surprised I said that. Why did I say that though? What's wrong with me?

"Wow Mara, I can't believe you managed to score the big billinaire of New York." Steve says chuckling.

Amara hits his arm playfully.

"Anyways, I have a job to get back to. See you soon angel" He says.

He hugs Amara and kisses her head before leaving. I watch as he walks out before u pull Amara back into my arms. Perfect.

"I don't like him" I say.

"Why not? And why did you say you were my boyfriend?"

"I'm talking in future tense. Very very near future tense. And he kissed your head where I also kiss and he also called you Mara." I say.

She laughs and grabs my hand leading me to her office. As soon as we enter I pull her to me. I crash my lips on her soft ones. She giggles into the kiss and I stop.

"What?" I ask.

"You're very handsy today" she says with a grin.

"I missed you" I say softly.

"Stef, I know something's going on at the office. Aria says Dante is always pissed and snapping at her." she says while caressing my cheek.

I lean down and kiss her cheek.

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