Chapter Twenty One

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Amara pov

I'm woken up by a sudden dip on my bed. I slowly open my eyes to see Stefano laying next to me.

Marco's body is flush against me and he's gripping my tank top tightly.

"What time is it?" I ask with my groggy voice.

"2am" Stefano replies. His voice is not groggy or raspy, did he not sleep?

"So you waited for 2am to come to my room?" I ask with a smile, which he obviously can't see.

"I won't sleep alone knowing I'm in the same house as you and our son. I want to be close to my family" he says.

I blush and feel Stefano moving closer to us. He puts his arm around my body and slowly traces circles on my back.

"You're so perfect" he says lowly. I feel a kiss on my cheek and another one on my head.

"Goodnight Stef" I say quietly.

"Goodnight mi Amore" he whispers.


"Mamma!" Marco yells.

He comes running to me on his little legs. I smile and meet him halfway to pick him up.

"Hey baby!" "I say, squeezing him.

He giggles and I place a kiss on his cheek. I'm surprised to see Stefano standing at the door with a smile on his face, usually he's at the office at this time.

"Hey amore" he says, walking to me.

As soon as he comes in reach, he leans down and places a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I thought you were gonna be at the office all day, considering you left my house late this morning" I say.

He follows me into my office where i place Marco on the ground. He runs to my drawers and takes out his coloring book and pencils I got for him.

"I missed you" Stefano says.

He pulls me to him and rests his head in my neck.

"I missed you too baby" I say.

He pulls away and gives me a wide smile. He kisses my nose and cheeks before putting his face back in my neck.

"Have you seen the news yet?" He asks.

"No, why?" I ask him.

"People saw us together and wrote some stuff. I'll announce to the whole world that you're my girlfriend on Valentines day." he says.

"That's okay." I say while rubbing his back.

"Let's go get lunch and after that, we'll get you some clothes from your house and go to mine" he says.

"Why?" I ask.

"You're gonna spend the weekend at my house" he says.

"I'm sorry love, I can't. Jeong is leaving tomorrow, maybe Friday I can come?" I ask.

He groans but still nods his head. I pull his head down to kiss his lips. He smiles and kisses me back, deeper.


Stefano pov

I dropped Amara off at her house after lunch. Marco's with her.

I'm currently at the office, trying to remember some of the ideas I had in my file.

Valentines is on Saturday and I'm thinking of taking Amara to Paris for the weekend. I want suprise her, that's why I asked her to spend the weekend at my house.

"Knocky Knocky Steffy" I look up to see Elaina standing at my door.

She comes in and closes the door behind her. I lean back in my chair and watch as she rounds my desk, she jumps on my desk and sits down, crossing her legs.

"What the fuck do you want?" I grit out.

"I'm here to make a proposal" She says with an evil grin.

I raise my eyebrows. She takes something out of her coat. It's my file, she took it.

"I want shared custody over Marcus." she says.

What the hell? She didn't even want him.

"Why do you want him now?I'm not doing this again. When he was born you kept leaving and coming back whenever you felt like it." I say

"I didn't want the little brat but now I do" she stated.

This woman is insane!

"I want shared custody of Marcus-

"His name is Marco" I say angrily.

"Whatever his name is. I also want you to leave that girl you're seeing. If you don't, I'll gladly take you to court and fight for full custody. Oh right, I'll also give this *waves the file in my face* to your grandpa. We all know his company his going through deep waters. " she says with a fake pout before her face breaks into a wide smile.

"We'll have to take this to court then, because I'm not gonna leave the girl I love nor will I allow you to come anywhere near my son. Now get out of my fucking office!" I yell.

Her face falls in disappointment but she quickly recovers herself and stands up, walking out.

"Maledetto!" ( Fuck!) I say.

I grab my keys and run out of the building. I reach my car and get in.

All these years, and now she suddenly wants to come back? I remember when I told her I'd pay her for having Marco. Truth is, I didn't do it for me but for her.

If she had the abortion, she would've died. I don't know exactly what was wrong but it put her life in danger. She doesn't know it since she was in a coma for a few days. She fainted and when I took her to the hospital, the doctor told me she was pregnant. When I told her the news she wasn't happy at all.

The second time she fainted, the doctor told me what was wrong. She requested for an abortion but the doctor said her body wouldn't allow it and she'd die. She doesn't know that, I never had the heart to tell her.

After she gave birth to Marco, I hoped that seeing him would make her realise what a beautiful baby we created, together.

I was wrong. She hated Marco. Sometimes she would not feed him and when I arrive home, he'd be crying and smelling. She would leave for a few weeks and come back again.

I broke up with her after 7 months of her abusing Marco. She didn't even care. I raised Marco with the help of my friends and family. Everyone adores my son and no one treats him differently. Meeting Amara was one of the best things that happen to us.

I won't leave Amara and I won't give up on my son. If it's a fight she wants, it's a fight she'll get.


Yikes, so that's the story behind Elaina leaving Marco.

Still think Elaina did what was best for her?

I think Elaina was mean to our baby, Marco *pout*

Anyways, what do y'all think of this chapter? Enjoyed it?

What do you think will happen next? Will Stefano give in to Elaina's requests or will he keep fighting?

I'm sure y'all know who unknown #2 is now?

Love y'all 💋

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