Amadeus and Pacita 1

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"This is amazing." Clover happily chewed the soft meat. It's not so sweet but everybite in the juicy fatty meat brings shivers and appetite.

"You'll get tired with the taste soon since it's sweet. Here is some pickled cucumber to clence the sweet in the palate." Pacita merrily smiles at Clover.

Clover bows to his food a bit. His face is a bit flushed. He can tell that the Duchess is very fond of him. If she is a bit younger, he might fall for her.

His smitten expression angers Amadeus inside.
He just learn jealousy today. Anger is something he already know so he is sure.
His eyes are sharp and it carries lethat intent.

Mito smirks looking at his son.
How would he know that Amadeus have this territorial tendencies?

Ofcourse he can tell that his wife is taking good care of The Prince but it's not to the point he will get frustrated.

Pacita happily put food on the prince plate.
"Oh...I'm sorry. You stop eating so I thought you don't want to eat that part. This part of the meat is more tasty. Have some more."

If they don't know that the Duchess are very close with the Duke, Arben and Paula will think the Duchess is seducing the Prince.

Same as them. Prince Clover coughs to hide the blush in his face.

Mito sneers.
"How about me? Don't you want to give me food?"

Pacita paused and looks at Mito's dangerous eyes.
She shyly pouts.
"Not here. I'll be yours later."

"!!!!" Mito feels blood rushing to his head.
He reaches her cheek and pinch her hard.
"You, don't talk so vulgarly!"

Pacita winched in pain so Mito let her go. She pouts rubbing her cheek.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry. Don't hit the small lovely wife."

Mito smirks.

Pacita put fish in Amadeus plate.
"Why are you not eating? Here. Eat some fish so you will grow taller."

Amadeus looks at Pacita.
"Fish can make me grow taller?"

Pacita laughs.
"If not at least you'll grow fatter. If you get fat then when I hug you to sleep, you'll be softer."

Amadeus recalls the time when Pacita sleeps in his room.
Pacita complains he is not as soft as a pillow.
How can a human body be as soft as a pillow?

Amadeus sneers.
"You are talking nonsense again, mother."

Pacita looks at Amadeus.
"Since you are going back to school, you should sleep with Mom tonight."

Amadeus looks at Pacita.
He doesn't have any reason to reject.

Pacita is in good mood.
Not only does he meet a Prince, Amadeus is not so snobby today.

Mito smiles.
Well, he is not invited but no one can't say no if he wants to sleep with his wife and son too.

"Ah, Duchess, Did you know that there is someone in school that has beautiful blonde hair like yours?" Clover, who for some reason, doesn't like how the Duchess ignores him and focuses in Amadeus.

Pacita nods.
"I heard. Is her hair that same as mine?" Pacita touches her hair.

"No." Clover and Amadeus said at the same time.
Though Clover said it. He only want to distract Pacita. Pacita's hair is more unique than he thought. Lady Julianna's hair is a bit pale in comparison.

Pacita smiles.
"It seems Prince also aware of this Lady. I heard of her from Paula and Arben. It seems she is rrally famous."

Clover taps his nose. Why is he patient to Julianna's obvious schemes? Isn't it to annoy Amadeus?


Late breakfast awtsss

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