Duchess 2

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When Pacita wakes up it's already dark. She curls up and hugs her knees. Looking at the glass window, watching the red and orange clouds.

Pacita wants to settle down.
Be happy for what she has.
Not wanting more.

Of course it was useless to think for something more.
When he walks out the door. A maid greets her.

"Good evening Duchess."

Pacita's face reddened.
"Wh-wha-what did you call me?"

The maid trembles.
"It was the Duke's order."
The maid bows.

The former Duchess inside the mansion wants to be called Madam instead of Duchess. They only call her duchess if there are guests. So u knowingly they continue calling her Madam. But the duke said the Duchess wants to be called Duchess. So the maid smiles and greet her. But looking at Pacita's flustered expression, she feels like it was her mistake.

"Ah..ah..." Pacita is caught unguarded. She was embarrassed.
"Oh...Where...where is the duke?" She asks.

The maid finally was relieved that the duchess didn't get mad at her.

"The Duke is in his study."

"Got it." Pacita turns around and with her heavy steps, she walks to the study.


Mito is talking to the butler when the door was forcibly kicked.

Mito frowns.

"You...You!" Pacita trembles as she points at Mito.

"What's wrong with you?" Mito looks at the butler and the butler tacitly nods and walks out. Barely nodding at the Duchess as he closed the door.

Pacita blushes even more.

"What's wrong?" Mito asks.

"That....I just said that....you don't have to force people to call me Duchess!"
She angrily stomps her shoes.

"That's something I need to force others? You are my Duchess."

"But you....they call me madam because ...they still think of the former Duchess."
Pacita grits her teeth. She is a new comer, she can't demand a title so easily.

Mito laughs.
"What? You are worried because of that?"

Pacita glares at him.
Her face is blushed from shame.

Mito sense her mood is wrong so he walks to her.

"What? It's just the previous Duchess choice to be called madam inside the house. She feels that she controls more people using a humble title. So the everyone just subconsciously call you Madam that you never repute so they continue to do so. It's not about acceptance or not. How can servants, be so willful as not to accept the duchess I and Amadeus accept?" He smiles and lifts her face to look at him.
"If you have any insecurities. You have to tell me. I will solve them for you. Anything."
He emphasize.

Pacita stares at Mito's golden eyes. That seems lile a hot sun burning her to his hot light.

She nods.
"Thank you Duke."


"I see....So that's why....Hahaha. I feel like all my worries are just stupid. Im glad that the duke enlighten me." Pacita grins.

"If you are relieve now then Im glad. Then it was time to understand why a prestigious Duchess of Irevelis would kick my study door wantonly?"

Pacita froze.

"Don't your parents teach you to be respectful? Not only kicking my study door. You even shouted at me and point at me when someone is around. You think you should be punish?"

Pacita fidgets.

"Um? Are you saying you want to be punish instead of reasoning with me?"

Pacita gapes.
"I....I don't have any reasoning...." she chewed her lips in panic.

"So you choose punishment." Mito's lips curved ip.

Pacita blushes.
She is prepared to any bed position he want to use!

Pacita nods.
"Accept punishment!"

"Then.." Mito smiles. " I will assign a teacher for you. You have to learn manners."

"Ah?" Pacita's excited shoulder slump down.

Mito rubs her head.
"Yes. Learn manners. I will cheer you on."

"Oh....Okay." Pacita nods.

Mito'a lips twitch. Its so easy?
He did think of this and that reason for Pacita to start learning without her being suspicious but it was actually this easy? He wants to laugh at himself.


To those that request it♡♡♡♡♡
Thanks for reading!♡♡♡♥︎

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