Doting Husband 3

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Pacita looks at Mikaela.

Mikaela looks at Pacita.

The tea the maids pour is still hot. The quietness around them is deafening.

"" Pacita said.

Mikaela is almost the same age as Mito.

She is not very close with him but there are few people he gives face to and Mikaela is one of them.

"I just want to meet you, Duchess. I'm sorry if I am making you uncomfortable."

Mikaela takes the tea cup and sips slowly.

Pacita remembers Aliah's strict training.

"It's fine. I don't know much about Mito's relatives. Our marriage was done abruptly and there are no wedding preparations."

Mikaela looks at Pacita.

Anyone would feel bad if they are not given a proper wedding. Many ask Mito to do it but he said that doing it once is enough.

He gives Lawrence a huge compensation to make them unable to complain.

Still, as a woman if you are treated like that you'll hold grudge even though it's only a marriage contract

"If you want to have a wedding, we can do a simple one. I think Mito won't reject it if it's not that grand."

Pacita blinks.

She smiles seeing Mikaela's genuine concern.

"A wedding huh. But Mito is really busy right? He already told me we might not be able to eat together all the time. And there are times he won't return at night. I don't want to pressure him."

Mikaela likes Pacita just because Sigrid told him Mito looks really happy with this marriage but now she genuinely likes Pacita as a person. She looks domineering at first. Her body language looks unrefined too. There are sharp movements in her action as if she is still learning to move.

But what she says makes her perfect.

Her sincerity reaches Pacita and Pacita's sincerity reaches hers.

"But I do want to have a wedding. Afterall, I don't want to get married a second time right? Haha."

Mikaela blinks.

"You...You know that's bulgar right?"

"Me remarrying? I'm Mito's second wife. I don't hear people saying he is shameless."

"Well, it's always been only one for a woman and many for men." Mikaela sighs.

"Sometimes I'm scared for my future too. I do trust Sigrid and I love him but things always change and what if what changes is his or my feelings?"

"Worry about that later. My goodness."

Pacita calls the maid and asks for wine.

"You are about to get married right? I can tell by your worries."

"Our engagement has been long enough and I can feel one of these days we will get married. And...I'm scared and also happy."

"Right right. Wine is better to drink than tea."

The wine was poured. Two women chat about their insecurities and their feelings.

"How did this happen?" Sigrid looks at the two women.

One is telling the other one angrily. While the other one is crying and nodding her head.

Of Course the crying one is Mikaela.

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