VOLUME 4 Chapter 9

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Inside the Special Containent Car, Paul and Elizabeth are still locked in together, unable to corner one another for good. Now desperate, the General pulls the pin on one of his Flashbangs. Since he's wearing a Combat Helmet with inbuilt Ear Defenders, he took the risk.

The flash blinds the Saint and him, but knowing that she's right up in front of him, he unholsters his revolver and fires a shot, sending her flying to the wall.

"F-finally... Jesus, gimme a sec. That tired me out."

"Not yet!" She stands up, thrusting her sword at him which he dodges at the tight space of the railcar. He once again shoots at her but she teleports and looking left and right, he looks up and sees her dropping down on the Sarcophagus that was sealed in a protective steel case.


Paul realizes they weren't after the Boosters, if they were, they would've just sabotaged the plant. He kicks the stand of the Vampire Queen's resting place, making it fall face flat into the floor and Elizabeth misses. She teleports once again, this time attacking him. In return, he holsters his revolver and gets his Glock 19 out. Shooting the shining helmet of the woman as she approaches.

Just as she was about to finally slash the Knight General, a hail of bullets came flying at her from the top. A Blackhawk's door gunner opened fire on her with his door mounted M134 Minigun. Finally down, he walks right up at her, turning her around and pointing his gun at her face. He uses his free hand to yank her helmet out, revealing her beautiful face with her blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Tell me. What are you planning." He draws his Glock closer at her face, his finger twitching on the trigger.

"Take me to dinner first." She kicks him, throwing him at the back of the railcar. The door gunner opens fire once again, riddling the floor with bullets but she has already teleported. Paul looks up once again, and sees she isn't there.

Back at the rear of the train, the Countess is chasing after the stranger. He was stopped when he met Sir Anthony, struggling against Bahamut. The two were now trapped between extremely powerful foes.

"Ah! Augustus!"

"Mister Anthony! I can see you having a grand time there!"

"Not gonna lie, I'd rather fight a hot Vampire than this!" Bahamut once again lets out a breath, "EEEEK! I NEED HELP! HELP!"

"Later! Still busy with Princess Beauty here!" Dodging Alana's attacks, he goes inside one of the tanks. Closing its hatch.

"Fool." The Countess pries the Commander's hatch. As she opens it, she's met with a hand, piercing straight into her pretty face and it drags out her entire spinal cord. The Vampire, now mortally wounded, plops down, healing very fast. The man just sighs, knowing it's useless. Instead, he turns into a crimson red dragon, breathing violet fire into Bahamut who uses the upper part of her head as cover. He then grabs the Elf, diving into the canyon.

The Sun was slowly rising and the rain was getting lighter and lighter. Back in the front, Paul who was spamming Healing Potions and drinking anything that's still left in his inventory gets ambushed by Samantha. The alluring Vampire pins him down while Elizabeth takes care of the Blackhawk, using her Swords Divine power to shoot it down. Not accepting his fate, he teleports but the Vampire was fast, quickly getting to his position even before he could fully appear.

Bahamut, whose head was steaming from the fire breath dives, knowing full well who that Dragon God is.

Back at the front, Paul chooses to teleport a bit far, behind the Sword Saint who immediately turns around to face him.

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