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A shining light appears on the abyss and darkness follows weakishly tries to engulf it as a beast sleeping within the void growls far away.

A woman with a long red cloak riding a white armored horse passes through the darkened rainy forest. The muddy dirty path full of overgrown leaves and trees made it hard for even the horse to get through the thick woodland. Behind the white horse are Knights Calvary, charging at full speed with their long lances facing forward as they destroy and ram through any obstacles that dared stand in their way.

One of the Knights in the back breathes in, feeling the crashing rainwater into his helmet and the feather ornament mounted to the top of it slowing down, in the moment of breathing out, fires his shiny metallic greatbow and hurls a huge bolt into the woman. A slender long hand then catches it and throws it into the mud. "Tsk." The Knight holsters his Greatbow and continues to give chase alongside the calvary. Entering an open plains with the small leaves violently waving left and right with debris of soil and sticks flying through the open air as the hurricane passing through at the dead of night becomes more and more powerful.

Now without any cover, the Calvary spreads out and she looks behind her and could see twenty gleaming Knights in armored horses that are keeping pace with her steed, their heads not leaving sight of the woman through the clashing pouring rain. Thunder then came and on the skies were lit up and her eyes of shining gold contract, Vampiric slits for pupils reflecting the armor of five more Knights in flying Griffins. Even the tingle of light that'd hit their armor would show its rainbow glare and its metal of enchanted wonders wielding their massive great lances. Even through the rain, her mascara and eye shadow wasn't washed by the water and her endless beauty with her eternal youth spoke true to her own wonder. With a spotless and clean pale white skin of her cheeks wet from the water pouring from the skies.

Making a violent turn to the left, her horse faces a cliff surrounded by a rocky canyon. The clacks of the horses hoofs echo through it as the woman pulls out a Blackmetal sword adorned with devilish iconography, her eyes stare forward into the sea cliff. With the gushing waters hitting the rocky fall hundreds of meters below, and near its edge is a small circular ruin with a slit in the middle of it with arrows turning clockwise and on it is an engraved art of a giant dragon breathing fire as its entire body hid behind the mountains. The late teenage woman exits her white horse and runs faster than her steed to it. With the Knights on the Griffin landing and skidding their way into her. "NO! DON'T DO IT!" With her glowing golden eyes staring at them, she inserts the sword and it fits perfectly into it and with a clockwise turn, the ground rumbles and a quake spuns the Knights off of their saddles and into the ground. Their dark blue capes fly wildly to different directions as the air becomes fizzled and the water below calms.

One of them tries to unholster his revolver with a perfect aim. Managed to take a shot at the woman but she merely dodged the bullet without effort and gave them a devious smile in return.

The Griffins take flight, running away alongside the horses to the plains where they scatter while the Knights dug their swords and lances into the rocky terrain as the quake got worse and worse and behind the woman, with the open sea was a definitely shaped mountain of black shiny metal rising from the seas. The violent thrashing of the ocean water comes back and even with its strength, the momentous amount of liquid seemingly does nothing to the mountain as it becomes fully erect from its slumber beneath the ocean waves.

Low and monstrous growls could be heard as two giant horns the size of castles tower over the canyon and all of the sudden it stops. The Knight with the large red feather on top of his stylish helmet stands up and lifts up its visor. "Oh Godefroy, forgive us for we have failed you." and like a massive headlight just opened. A huge eye that dwarfs the section of the cliff where they stood yonders over them. Peering like a God looking down on mere pawns of the cycle of life. The creature before them was far beyond that of comprehension as wings unfold and its span reaches into the plains. The giant eyes then focuses on the woman wearing a red cloak, her white gown shining as her petite figure is accentuated by the light of the eyes of the great primordial beast.

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