8 - Do You Trust Me

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"Hey, Mom, how are you?" I greeted her, attempting to keep my voice light and cheerful.

"Oh, honey, I heard about the apartment. Do you need a place to stay?" Her concerned tone conveyed the depth of her worry.

My heart sank, realizing I had slipped up. "Oh no, I'm staying with a friend. Trust me, his house is big enough," I quickly replied, desperately trying to cover my mistake.

"His?" Her curiosity sparked, sensing the truth behind my words.

Panic surged through me. How could I have slipped and revealed the gender of the person I was staying with? I needed to divert her attention, and fast.

"Um, did I say 'his'? I meant 'her.' Yeah, my friend Emma, you know, the one in my class," I stumbled over my words, hoping to throw her off the scent.

"Honey, please. I can see right through that lie. Who are you really staying with?" Her persistence sliced through my feeble attempts to misdirect.

His name is Will. It slipped out before I could stop myself. My mom's silence on the other end of the line stretched out, and I braced myself for her reaction.

"Mom, I have to go. Another call is coming in. Talk to you later!" I hastily hung up, avoiding any further interrogation.

Taking a deep breath, I stared at my phone, a mix of guilt and anxiety swirling within me. I had never been good at keeping secrets from my mom, and now the truth about my living arrangement had slipped out. The thought of her disapproval weighed heavily on my mind, but I couldn't deny the comfort and support I found in Will's presence.

As I put my phone aside, it buzzed again, signaling an incoming call. Kaitlin's name illuminated the screen, and a surge of excitement replaced my earlier apprehension.

"Hey, Alexis, I was wondering if you would like to be my bridesmaid," Kaitlin's voice flowed through the line, brimming with excitement.

I couldn't help but smile, feeling deeply honored by her invitation. "Um, uh, wow, I'm honored. I would love to," I replied, my voice tinged with pride. 

"Are you sure you don't have any other closer friends you'd like to ask?" I asked.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts, realizing that the connection I had formed with Kaitlin surpassed mere acquaintanceship. "Honestly, Alexis, you are closer to me than any of my friends from the past. You're real and genuine. I can tell you care," she reassured me.

A playful remark slipped from her lips, catching me off guard. "It's perfect, I'll see you later...I'll stop Wills around six. You have to meet my fiancé." "Alexis I can tell you and my brother are gonna be good for each other." She smiled softly.

Caught off guard by her comment about her brother and me possibly being something more than friends, I stumbled over my words. "Wha- no, no, it's not like that. I'm just staying here because I didn't have anywhere else, and your brother was kind enough to offer," I hastily explained, desperately trying to downplay any potential romantic implications.

Kaitlin's laughter echoed through the phone. "Yeah, uh-huh, sure. Anyhoo, see you tonight..the fittings at 10:30 next week right?" Her tone teasing.

"Yup, see ya," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Being a bridesmaid was an unexpected joy that I couldn't wait to embrace.

"Alexis!" Will's voice called out, breaking my train of thought.

"In here!" I responded, my voice filled with anticipation for the good food ahead.

A few moments later, Will entered the room, carrying a tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pizza. My stomach growled in response, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. He looked tired, but his presence brought a sense of comfort that I had grown to cherish.

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