21 - Has A Nice Ring To It

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Alexis POV
It's been a while since I got here, he still hasn't woken up yet.

"Alexis dear how about you go home and change, you can come back."

"Mom, I have to be here in case he wakes up."

"Ok, I'm going to get some food and coffee."


About after an hour  he stirs in his sleep, I go to sit next to him.

When suddenly he opens his eyes.

"Uggh my head, where am I?"

"Lex is that you."

"Yes! It's me."

"How are you feeling?does it hurt are you hungry?I think you should eat something I will go get the doctor."

"Ughhh slowdown sweetheart."

"Sorry I will get the doctor."

The doctor came in the room a gave me a bunch of instructions on how to care for him.

"And if his head hurts give him these supplements."

"Ok thanks doc."

"No problem Mrs.Clements."

"Wha.... Oh no! We aren't married I'm Alexis Fuller, Will's girlfriend."

"Oh sorry my bad, the nurse will check you out."

"Mrs Clements huh?"

"I corrected him don't worry."

"You know cupcake, it doesn't sound too shabby, Alexis Clements has a nice ring to it."

"Yea yea you wish."

"Your right I do wish."

I stared out the window, I'm glad that he is ok, but he doesn't seem to be taking it too hard or seriously. Do things like this happen often.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?"

His eyes filled with concern, scanning my face looking for any signs of pain or discomfort.

"I- I'm fine don't worry."

"No your not tell me what is wrong."

My eyes filled with tears, that's when he got that this was serious.

"Will- you could of seriously been hurt out there, bu-but your not e- even the le- least bit wor- worried."

"Oh sweetheart come here."

He pulled me into a hug, his cologne instantly clams me.
Placing a firm kiss on my forehead he brushed the tears away from my eyes.

"I'm fine sweetheart, perfectly ok."

"You sure?"

"Positive, now come on I have a press conference to go to, we still won the game right?"

"Yea you won alright."

"Thanks to my lucky charm."


"Come on let's go I'm hungry."
Will POV
Alexis insisted that she drive claiming it was for my safety.

I could tell that she was worried about me,her eyes fixed on the road.

"Sweetheart are you sure your ok?"

"Yea I'm fine, I was thinking maybe we shouldn't go to the reunion maybe we should stay home and relax."

"Cupcake, please I'm not going to let this ruin your reunion."

"I don't want to go Will!"

"But why..."

"Because, I know that Kylie will be there."

"And who is Kylie?"

"She is my ex best friend she is the one Tyler cheated on me with."

"And, I just don't want her to take you from me.."

Oh, my poor girl, she is worried that I would leave her. How can I show her that I would never want to hurt her.

I cupped her face in my hands look her straight in the eyes.

"Alexis, what I feel for you is more than anything I have ever felt before, no one can take that away."

"How do you know exactly what to say?"

"I guess I'm just pretty awesome huh."

"Yea, your pretty great."
Friday came by pretty fast, I did not have a press conference due to the circumstances.

Me and Alexis were getting ready for the reunion.

I went with a navy dress shirt and black jeans. My hair slightly ruffled just the way Alexis likes it.
She came out of the bathroom, wearing a tight red dress her hair in a updo. Red lipstick painted her lips.

"Wow,baby you look gorgeous.."

I was utterly speechless, she was stunning.

"Thanks, you clean up pretty nicely quarterback."

I wrapped my arms around her waist, tugging her closer. Nuzzling my face into her hair breathing her scent in. She smelled like flowers.

"Maybe we can stay here for the night, I have some activities in mind."

She said in my ear.

"As much as I would like too, we can't come on we have a high school reunion to go to."

When we got to the school there was already music playing.
Chloe and Matt texted that they were already here.

I held Alexis' hand as we went in, I know this might is going to be hard for her.
I want her to know that I'm here for her.

When we got in the school, a guy the same guy we saw at the grocery store handed Alexis a name tag, he handed me a blank one and a pen.

"Do you think people know about sports here Lex?"

"Probably Chlo, we grew up here and you knew who Will was."

"Yea I guess."

"Don't worry sweetheart I can fight off some groupies."

"Yea I know you can." she smiled brightly at me.
I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.
Alexis POV
After about an hour, I went to get a drink, Matt and Will were actually hitting it off.

Talking about anything and everything.

After a bit of socializing, I met a few friends, saw a few old classmates. I even reconnected with some old friends.

When I came back I saw Will talking to some blonde girl.

But when she turned, I noticed she wasn't just some girl.

It was Kylie.

I had hoped to never see her again, but here she is in the flesh flirting with my boyfriend.

Will looks very uncomfortable, he hasn't seen me yet.

Well I guess have to go save him from the evil clutches of Kylie Harrison.
Well y'all met Kylie.
Can't wait to see what Will does with that.
Also this was kinda a filler chapter but also kinda not.
Alright that's all I got
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