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ANNOUNCEMENT: So this book was plagiarized and it's not fun to know that someone can just copy what you've written and make it their own. This has become somewhat a mental battle between me and my books. What if they copy my other books too? I'm just a small time writer but my heart is in these stories. My dream is to be a great writer someday. And I would appreciate it if they'd ask permission first before copying every word.

After a lot of self pep talks and decision making, I've come to the conclusion to continue the rest of this story in radish. You can find this story in radish, just type princess on the loose. Also you just have to wait for awhile to open the next chapters. I'm doing my best to also be consistent with it, I upload chapters twice a week. So to those who still want to continue this journey/ story with me, I have a lot in store for you ;) in radish.

Don't worry I will not take down what I already posted but I won't be continuing this story here anymore. So this is the last chapter I'll be posting for the Rewritten version.

Thank you all! And Enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 8


A woman who acted as my mother ushered me to a closet and told me to keep quiet because the monsters will get me if they find me. It was getting hot, I remembered perspiring and had wanted to take off my little dress. We are supposed to be playing hide and seek but where is my father? Did he find a place to hide?

The door was kicked open and in came 5 shadows who circled the woman who hid me. I could feel that she was nervous, that she was scared and I wanted to ease her worries, that I was here, that I could make her smile. There was a loud shot and she fell down. Why did she fall down? And why was I crying? The shadows left except for one while another shadow transpired--it was a frantic one and this one was crying too.

Then the hide and seek finished because one of the shadows found me and swallowed me whole.

"Clarissa!" It was Ria who was shaking me awake, her voluptuous sleeves caressing me. Nessa was holding my hand with pearly tears in her eyes. "It's just a nightmare," she assured me. "You were just having a nightmare."

"Oh," I replied and touched my face. Sure enough, just like the usual days I had this particular nightmare, my face would be drenched with tears. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Nessa said, sniffling, "It seemed like a scary dream. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not really," I faked a smile and noticed my bandaged ankle.

"Sir Carlos told us to inform him when you're awake," Ria said. "We should--"

"No worries, I'll go visit him. What happened to me?"

"You were bed-ridden for two days, sick with a high fever. You were discharged from the hospital this morning." Nessa enveloped me in a warm embrace. "We were worried about you and also concerned that you won't be able to make it for the battle royale."

"But don't worry, if you can't do it, there's still next year. For some reason it's starting early this year: it's in three days." Ria informed me.

"I see, of course I'm not going to miss it but wait, what happened to the conference?"

"We're not really sure but there's this rumor that you're apparently engaged to the crown prince."

My head began to ache as I massaged my temples.

"Is it true, Clarissa?" Nessa asked, her doe eyes widening.

"I'm not so sure. Prince Gavier was talking in his language but the reporters were really taken aback by what he announced so there is a possibility."

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