Chapter 45

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Your awaited chapter is finally here. As you can see up there, I put in a song, please play it when I say so. It's going to be cooler that way. ;)

Chapter 45

We were ready. Everyone was on their positions, waiting for my signal. I was in our room with Prince Levi, watching everyone from his cctv. We all had an earpiece so we could talk to one another.

"Don't forget to be careful guys. But I trust you guys can do this. Are you ready Jarvis?"

He laughed in reply and I rolled my eyes. He's ready then.

"Go explode those babies!" I ordered.

There was a loud booming sound. The guards had become suddenly alert and rushed to see what it was.

"Fire! Fire! Get some damn water everyone!!" They were shouting, I could hear scurrying and running all around.

"Now Nessa and Ria! We've practiced this many times, I know you can do this!"

I remembered how they were so against doing it.

"I don't think this will work," Nessa said as she frowned.

"Why do we have to act Clarianne? It just doesn't make sense," Ria complained.

"We need eyes in the tech room and also we need someone to say that everything's alright when Queen Elizabeth calls. Now tell me if that isn't important."

"Fine, but can I wear a nicer dress," Nessa said and we all laughed.

"Ouch!! Ouch! I can't breathe, someone please help me!!!" Nessa slumped on the floor.

"Someone! Hey!! Help us!"

"Princesses you're not allowed to be here. There's a fire that broke out, it's dangerous."

"How are you so sure they wouldn't kill us?"

"They might hold you guys captive but they'd still be concerned if you're okay or not. I think they have direct orders not to put us in harm's way, so you can act all haughty Ria. Be a bitch out there."

"You bet." Ria smirked as her eyes gleamed with excitement.

"Can't you see my friend's not feeling good? What if she fucking dies? I'm going to blame you and I'll strip you penniless, and your family as well. You can rot in the streets and die!!"

The guard paled. "B-but I can't leave th-the tech r-roo--"

"What are you waiting for? Damn it, didn't you just hear what I said?! Bring her in the fucking infirmary!" She demanded and the guard immediately carried a crying Nessa away.

"Good job guys! That was good," I complemented them.

"Lucas and Eric, you know what to do."

"I'm born that way," Eric said as both of the princes barged in the tech room to shoot the men inside. I heard groans and thuds on the ground.

"All down although I would rather have a gun than this drug thing," Lucas said over the earpiece.

"Hey don't you fucking insult my babies. That's my fucking highest achievment last year," Livana growled.

I smiled, remembering the time when I asked her for them.

"Do you have any weapons?"

"Nah, I'm a fucking scientist. I build no weapon," she answered.

"Really, none? Even those things that put you to sleep?"

"Hmmm, wait, does anyone have any laser guns or drill guns?"

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