Chapter 39

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You guys are even faster than before. It's only been two days! :0 xD

Things are going to be intense from now so hold onto your seats. ;)

I'll update when I get 115 votes and 70 comments. Please check out my other book too "My Devil Guardian." And my new book "The Search."
I'm having exams this week so good luck to me!

Chapter 39

I wasn't sure if I should be happy or not now that I'm a freaking princess. Before, when I walked alone in the hallways, people would give me glares and whisper about me. Now that I'm a princess, their eyes would widen and scrurry away as if they were afraid of me. They are afraid of me. Of my status and what I could do.

I mean what the hell. It's not like I'm gonna punish them for glaring at me or declare a war. That's immature.

The other thing that changed was my sudden amount of friends. People come to me constantly, trying to get to know me, befriending me, but I knew they just want to be on my good side because again, they think I'd go world war III with them if I didn't like them.

Nessa and Ria on the other hand were elated. They were shocked with the news but thankfully didn't treat me differently. That night, Mrs. Wales and her husband hugged me with tears in their eyes. They said they'd been close with my parents and that I look and act like them.

When the news reached Gavier, he didn't look surprised. He said that I've always been a princess, his princess. He was particularly flirty that morning when he told me his dad wants to talk to me. He kept sneaking kisses on my lips with me unprepared, making me hit him and blush like the usual red tomato. He's so annoying!!

He finally left me after telling me where to go and sneaking another lush kiss. Ugh! I began to trudge my way to his dad's office, feeling nervous and excited at the same time. I wonder what he needs to tell me.

I found a bronze coated looking door and turned its golden doorknob. Inside was like another different world. There were plush sofas, a floral carpet, silver shelves, a glass table, small potted plants, piles of books and papers, and big comfy looking chairs with silken sheets.

"You're finally here Princess Clarianne." King William stood up and did a little bow.

I cringed as he said my unfamiliar name then curtsied.

"What made you want to talk to me, your majesty?"

He waved his hand at the formality. "Call me uncle. No need to be so formal with me. Please sit down." He pushed aside his cape to beckon me with his hand. His silken red cape flew away, making him even look more majestic.

I smiled and sat down. "Thank you. . .umm uncle." It was a bit hard to call him that.

He smiled back and sat in front of me.

"How are you coping up?"

"Good, still a bit shocked but getting there."

"That's nice to hear. Now, the reason I called for you is to tell you who your parents are and how they died." He bluntly said and now I know where Gavier got his straightforwardness.

My mouth slightly opened but his face remained grim. He leaned back on his chair and crossed his long legs.

"Okay," I said as I nodded.

He breathed in deeply for a second then began. "Your lovely parents and I were very close. I used to golf with your father and we occasionally duel with swords." His eyes softened as he reminsced about my parents. "Your mother was a supermom. She would scold your father and I when we come home late. They were wonderful and beautiful inside and out."

"Then you came, I have never seen them look so happy. They hired more servants for you and there's one particular man they became very close with in just a span of two weeks. They trusted the young man fully and I warned them about it but your parents just laughed it off." His eyes suddenly became glaring and the air changed. I wanted to hide. This king is very intimidating when he wants to be.

"It turns out my suspicions had been right. The young man was a spy, he was working for Arthur's envious cousin, Edward. Edward wanted to be king and he would do anything to gain that title even if he had to kill his cousin."

My heart constricted sadly. The king frowned, his feautures angry and sad.

"Edward's wife Eliazabeth was no different, she was his shadow. Then the inevitable happened. One night they managed to sneak an attack to the palace and murdered your parents. Somehow you were saved and there was a will that arrived the next morning, saying that you will appear in a party, wearing the necklace your mother always wore."

My hand instinctively rubbed on the blue pendant. The sadness and anger somehow eased and I felt more relaxed.

"The rascal spy stole the blueprints of the palace which is why they were able to infiltrate your home. It was him who lead the party and he was there to kill your parents. I cannot forgive that bastard."

"Why didn't they go to jail then, if you knew it was queen Elizabeth and her husband?" I asked.

"There was no proof. For many years I've been investigating your parents death and finally found something of importance just a week ago. It was the picture of the rascal spy. Now if we get to make him confess then we'll put those criminals behind bars. But first we have to find him"

He stood up and opened one of the cabinets quickly. "I was hoping you would recognize this man so we could catch him as soon as possible. Here."

He handed me a hard yellow paper. When my eyes scanned the picture, the world seemed to have stopped.

"Are you okay Princess? You look pale." His eyes looked at me suscpiciously and with concern.

My heart beated fast, like a machine that couldn't be stopped. I held my breath in as I blinked my eyes once again. But to my horror the man in the picture didn't change. It's still him.

"Are you okay Clarianne?" He gently put a hand on my shoulder, making me jolt up.

"Yes, yes I'm alright," I said hurriedly."It's just that this whole thing is a bit too much for me. Can I be alone for awhile and think this through? You know--"

"Sure," he cut me off. "I apologize for putting this upon you. You may go now. I just thought it's my duty to let you know what had happened to your parents."

"Yes. Thank you so much uncle. I appreciate your concern." I handed the picture back to him, shakily.

"We're family now Clarianne. There should be no more secrets." The way he said it made me feel shivers throughout my body. He stared at me with an authorative posture, his eyes seemed to look straight to my soul.

I need to get out of here.

With a fake smile I left the room and ran to my room. My eyes brimmed with tears and when I finally found my solace, I broke down on the floor.

"Do you know this man?"

My body trembled as I remembered seeing a familiar face who had a smirk that I know only one person could do.

Why? Why does it have to be you?

What have you done dad?

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