Chapter One

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Since Jason and Greyson stopped the process, there haven't been any disappearances when people turn fifteen. Greyson hasn't shown up to fight, but one thing has happened. All the indulgent treats that used to be devoured endlessly, like ice cream and brownies, have now gone to waste. The food supply has dwindled down to canned goods, which aren't exactly the most delightful to consume.

Jason was in Coffee Culture, which had been renamed Party Culture. Nevaeh came up with the name, saying that something fun should be done around here. Several people had discovered strobe and LED lights, which James helped attach. They flashed pink and blue in the dark area without baking goods. It became a plan to forget they were running low on food and just have fun.

Mark discovered a boom box with CDs from the 2000s to blast when people would scream lyrics in the car. People painted the windows and doors black to make the room dark. Those who were older could have alcohol, while those who were younger got pomegranate juice. They didn't have any orange or apple juice left anywhere due to most of it going to the daycare.

"Stop standing around!" Nevaeh yelled over the loud music, standing behind the long counter with a smirk on her face.

Nevaeh and Nelson formed Party Culture collectively since Burger King wasn't doing the best either. This did help with getting sales for Nelson, but they barely had any food left from there.

"Where's the housewife? Is she still against this party concept?" Nevaeh asked as Jason nodded, letting out a small sigh.

Bella has changed in some ways since Teagan's death. She seems more focused on religion than partying when Ashley is out there.

"Can't she just loosen up? She used to party before," Nevaeh said, crossing her arms on the counter and leaning forward.

"I'll ask her," Jason implied, as Nevaeh winked at him.

Turning, Mark came through the doors, bringing in some liquor. Not many drink alcohol, but they have been storing more of it here. Jason has taken some, but he doesn't want to risk getting drunk.

Looking around the area, he noticed that some Uden Academy kids had been there. Those at Uden have slowly been leaving Greyson's side, but there are still some who do dirty work.

Luke recently broke into Foodland and stole numerous cans. Esme tried to speed after him, but he had used that noodle arm of his, which left gashes that bled. Some called him cool for just robbing the store.

"Bro, do you see how cloudy it is?" Mark inquired.

Jason knitted his eyebrows as he followed Mark, who pushed open the door to reveal the sky covered with dark clouds rather than a sunny sky or white clouds. This was unusual, considering the sky was always the same shade of blue every day.

"Been like this for an hour," Mark said.

Jason felt a chill run throughout his body. Could these dark clouds be created by someone who has no control over their power? If someone could change the weather, it could help water the crops they are trying to grow.

"Those are snow clouds, not rain clouds." Jason looked over, spotting Emma with a water bottle in hand. "My dad taught me the difference. Snow clouds are more hazy."

It left the plaza feeling dark with the streetlights turning on. Emma seemed wary, seeing all the clouds around them.

"This is definitely it," she mumbled to herself.

Emma told Jason she felt something bad was coming. It wasn't something bad, but dangerous. Divina had spoken about the storm and how Ashley had been off the radar for four months. However, it could be Greyson toying around with them.

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