Chapter Twenty-One

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All of them watched Ashley panic, despite her major head wounds. James wondered if someone Ashley was worried about should be someone they should. He guessed they should, but she has never panicked this much, even when Divina was around.

"Hit her again!" Esme cheered.

Cindy whammed down a large chunk of ice. This knocked Ashley unconscious as they stared around at the dark sky. There was no snow blowing anymore or a hint that it would snow again, but pure darkness.

"It's not working," Esme remarked. "We have to hit her hard enough."

James watched Esme stand in front of him in her puffy blue coat. She held the gun in one hand but stared at him intently.

"Hit her," Esme said, waving her finger at Ashley's body.

"With ice?" James asked.

"You know, with the muscles. What you did to Luke!" Esme exclaimed, standing inches from him, that he had taken a step back.

"Why not just have Jason burn her body?" James asked.

"That's boring," Esme said flatly. "Please, James! Please, please!" she pulled on his arm now.

"Fine," he breathed. His body muscles enhanced as he drew his arm back, punching Ashley hard in the face.

James stared at her for a moment, knitting his eyebrows together. Did killing this thing concentrate on the liquid over the body?

"That should keep her knocked out," Esme said as they walked near the body.

Ashley's eyes then flew open, staring at them all with a glare. "You're all responsible," she spat.

"For injuring you," Esme said.

Ashley shook her head repeatedly before freezing, almost as if she had been struck by lightning. She turned her head quickly, looking around like a wild rabbit.

"This shouldn't be," she mumbled before they heard footsteps that weren't their own. She spun around wobbly, was pushed, and landed right at Jason's feet.

"God is always such an annoyance." There stood a boy with a grin settled on his face. His killer dark eyes scanned them all before Ashley stared with wide eyes.

"You said you couldn't access them!" Ashley exclaimed, looking frozen.

The boy smirked, slamming a shoe on Ashley's forehead. He pressed it hard, with snow dripping down her forehead and her crying out in agony. Only one person could be capable of such a thing.

"Oops? It seems someone gave me accessibility. Isn't that terrible news for you?" he taunted.

"Divina," James said, almost with a gasp.

"Surprise," Divina said, gripping Ashley's hair as she hung in the air.

Why would Divina be back after all this time? Something was off, especially with the storm stopping and Ashley's overwhelming fear.

"Did you cause this?" Jason asked.

"The storm stopping? Oh, no, some human did," Divina stated.

James felt his heart race because someone in The Bubble stopped this madness. There were many questions that rushed through his mind, but he didn't even know where to start.

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