Chapter Eleven

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In the hall of the power plant, Luke grinned, facing Cindy and Esme. It was just like before when the vanishing happened; he enjoyed hearing their screams.

"No Jason to save the day?" Luke snarled.

"Nope, Lukey, because superheroes stop the villains," Esme urged. He went to use his arm, but both of them had disappeared. "You missed."

Luke knew that they would lose, while he would enjoy his victory. It was a knock to the head to have a portion of the ceiling collapse. That's why some of his movements felt disoriented while searching around the dark hallway.

"Lukey," Esme's voice echoed.

"Hiding like a coward?" he sneered as he felt a shove in his back.

"You sure are," Cindy spat, bopping away before he could hit her.

"Oops, do you need a cane?" Esme laughed as he whipped his arm back as Cindy appeared. She let out a scream, holding her neck and bopping away.

"Are you scared to show yourself, Speed Demon?" Luke snarled as he felt a rush of air fly past him.

"No way," Esme said.

Luke felt the bullets hitting his noodle arm mercilessly. It spasmed uncontrollably as he started whipping around. They could get beat or die, but he didn't care.

"I got it, hah!" Esme cheered from somewhere as Luke started running north, arm-slashing.

"Wrong way," Cindy snarled as she bopped, despite being injured.

Luke could barely feel the bullet wounds in his arm. That didn't matter, but killing these girls did. Esme had humiliated him, and Cindy sought revenge.

"Toying with me doesn't get you anywhere," Luke sneered, grinning as he turned, and slashed Esme multiple times.

"Cindy!" Esme cried out in pain.

Luke felt something strange cut him, but he couldn't see what it was. She came staggering to face him, holding up his noodle arm.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so clumsy," Esme boasted, dropping it on the ground.

How did that physically happen? He barely felt whatever that had been. It felt like there was some empty space when Scarlett sawed off his arm.

"Barbed wire," Cindy spat. She held up small boards connected with barbed wire in the centre and set them with wooden handles.

"Like our creation? It's quite cool!" Esme gushed.

Luke slapped Cindy as she staggered back, blood running down her face. He watched Esme soar past them down the hallway. He looked between the arm and the dark hallway. He could get that arm back later if he found that thing.

Luke hobbled his way down the dark hall, lost. How did he go from being feared to getting beaten? He joined with Greyson because he wanted to administer punishment for wrongdoings.

There had been a difference between them. Luke suppressed his emotions by focusing only on the pleasure of suffering. Greyson had all the emotions, which made him feel alone. He protected an arrogant bitch, who had used him all to her advantage.

"Cindy, bop away!" he heard Esme's voice echo.

Perfect; they weren't that far ahead, and he could kill them with something. Hearing a swoosh, he glared back, knowing Esme ran. He turned to go after her before a large wave of water swept down the hallway. It was just as if he had been in a pool, with water reaching the ceiling.

He swam out with one arm, spitting out the cold water. Reaching up, he grabbed onto a sprinkler in the ceiling, dangling. Did they end up melting all the ice? This is where his noodle arm would come in handy for wrapping around objects.

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