Chapter Thirteen

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In the mix of the blizzard, virus, and loss of electricity, Ashley could just smile. There is no Divina putting a stop to her plans or stopping all of this. Everything she had worked toward would become a reality.

Walking through the snow, it melted, even if she had tripped twice. Human bodies were strange, which Ashley hated. That and a mix of being hit by a car twice. Both times, she couldn't see it, which frustrated her. However, she caused the leakage in the power plant and the destruction of those buildings.

"Can't even do anything to help with that stupid vision of yours," Divina taunted.

She still heard its voice deep inside her mind. It was like a small echo that had become persistent and was mocking and cunning.

"You can use those words, but I don't see you stopping me," Ashley said, grinning deviously.

"I might not have to," Divina said, as Ashley stopped. She was looking around an empty field, her vision blurred from both the storm and her own.

"What are you talking about?" Ashley spat.

"Imagine if someone gained them. All those powers leaving your face to look like tomato sauce."

"Yes, but you need a body," Ashley taunted.

"You can be so stupid sometimes. Haven't I told you I could have someone break in?" Divina inquired.

"You can't break in with the storm," Ashley growled, her fists gripped together.

"There remain two distinct factors," Divina implied. "Developed or created."

"We were created in two different ways," Ashley spat.

"Someone develops or creates, I believe the term is," Divina said.

"They can't be created, idiot," Ashley spat.

She felt the jarring laugh echo repeatedly as she found herself in a dark area. It was completely black as she sourly twisted her lips. Holding her hand up, it refused to let her leave.

"If someone is created, they can stop that storm," Divina said as their male illusion appeared.

"You said you couldn't appear," Ashley growled.

"To them," Divina sneered.

"You can't intervene, though," Ashley snarled, deviously smiling.

"No, but I could talk to a human. I could tell them that they must kill god," Divina taunted as he took a step toward her. "That I need a body."

Ashley held out a hand, but no followers came out. Why wasn't it working? She needed to get out of this place and away from Divina before he pulled some stunts.

"And that we have to kill you," Divina stated.

"I'll be gaining full control of those mutant powers soon," Ashley snarled.

"I put you in a coma, then you started all this danger while being hit by a car twice," he pointed out, laughing. "When this human comes either from the sky or gains them, this storm will be gone. Unless they mass attack you."

"They won't be able to stop me," Ashley sneered.

He slapped her hard as blood poured from her cheek. "Yes, but they can weaken you. We were created by that pulsar for two separate purposes."

"No, I was created by stupid humans," Ashley spat, wiping the blood off her cheek.

"You're some ugly purple goo you'd find in the trash," Divina taunted. Snapping his finger, he used the girl's illusion, staring amused.

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