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" Can't believed an elite jonin lost to a trick that even genin's can come up with." Tsunade was more shocked than anything, an elite jonin losing to a simple tactic. " Hey, it's a masterpiece even though I haven't written it yet. Don't blame Kakashi." Jiraiya defence Kakashi's decision and subsequently his Icha Icha series.

" Arigato, Jiraiya-sama." Kakashi thanked the author of his favorite series of books.

" You did great, Naruto-kun." Hinata mumbled. Naruto turned around to the shy girl " Arigato, Hinata." The girl's eyes widened before slowly walking back as Naruto glanced at her in confusion.

" Naruto, great plan." Sakura insisted on it.

" Your welcome, Sakura-chan."

" My opinion of your sensei dropped significantly." Kiba blurts out.

The orb now reveals a pale young man with onyx short hair, onyx eyes with a konoha Hitai-ate. " A bond." A feminine voice was heard across the room. " That's your excuse for disturbing my rest." In some hallways Naruto forms the clone seal and creates one clone that split from the original. Naruto rejoins with his group composed of Sakura and a Konoha ninja wearing standard jonin gear, brown haired.

" Who the man? Whose voice was that?" Chouji questions his curiosity grew, grabbing his chips Chouji munched on it.

' Tenzo' Kakashi in mind scrambles to see the anbu member working with his squad.

BOOM the hideout blew up. Outside the exploding building Tenzo stood next to a captured Kabuto. " What was that?" The brown haired noticed the explosion from a far. ' It must be Sasuke. She so grumpy when she first wakes up.'

" Sasuke-kun." Ino and Sakura shouts.

" Must have found the Uchiha location." Neji notes.

" Finally let's drag that Teme back home." Naruto threw his arm up with enthusiasm

" I wish I could be there to aid," Lee blurts out.

Back to the now destroyed hideout the young man was kneeling on the floor, His face lifted up to his attacker figure hidden by the blinding sun. " I didn't expect you to shake off my jutsu so forcibly." Inside the hideout, the group kept running until naruto found where the explosion came from.

" C'mon future me bring that, Teme back."

' Found you.' The pink haired kunoichi glared once spotting the other konoha ninja. She quickly closed the distance grabbing the man's throat in frustration. " Sakura! What're you doing?" The kunoichi interrupted the other ninja. " Quiet you! I'm asking the question! This time, you better not lie!"

" Well, well, well if it isn't Sakura." A graceful voice spoke out. Sakura looked up in confusion as her eyes widened " S-Sasuke?" hearing the name Naruto ran off to Sakura's direction.

" Finally we're about to see the bastard get his payback." Kiba grinned in excitement.

" I have no comment, but I wonder how she looks now." Eruka was interested.

The whisker boy's head tilted up. Finally revealing Sasuke with her long locks of raven hairs that reached past her shoulder by a few inches but above her waist, piercing onyx eyes, legs sleeves, dark blue short legging, over which hangs a blue cloth that covers her from her stomach to her knees, which her secures with a purple rope belt that hold up her Kusanagi no Tsurugi ( sword of Kusanagi.), complemented with a white long-sleeved shirt that's kept open at the torso and revealed her breast, finally with a black arm guard that covers her forearms.

" Sasuke."

" So, Naruto, you came too." the young woman spoke again.

Both Jiraiya and Kakashi acquired nosebleeds, viewing the Uchiha sense of fashion combined with her appealing appearance, and the bonus of her breast being out in the open. Tsunade punches the pervert sannin on the head. "Ouch. Why did you hit me like that? " Tsunade scowls at the man who sweat in terror. " I'm sorry." Jiriaya bows down, apologizing." You better be perverted."

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