Genin exams

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" I look cool!" Naruto was elated to see his progress, a few agreed with Naruto.

" My son befriended the kyuubi, dattebane!" Kushina was left stunned.

" He might actually be the boy." Kurama's eyes widened from surprise.

" This is great military power." Tobirama smirked.

" Congratulations, Naruto." Gaara offers.

' That brat is even more interesting than I gave him credit for.' Orochimaru licks his lips.

" First, tie this white bandana around your head." Shino pulled out a handful of bandanas. The student went ahead and followed the instruction of their sensei. " It represents your life. The area is the entire forest." behind Shino two other individual came to view; A orange eyes, white hair that is bound between orange rods into a ponytail at the back, which fades into aqua green and then blue the further down it goes, and ends in rectangular locks female besides her a young slim male with long black hair partially tied up behind his head while the rest drapes down his back. He has small black eyes and bangs cover the left eye.

" Who are they?" A lot of the audience can't figure out which time period it was.

" Isn't that Himawari, Megami and Sarada?" Sakura was elated.

" Who that guy thinks I've meant him somewhere." Both Naruto wondered who the sensei was. [1]

" Megami?" Sasuke wondered how Sakura knew these people from.

' Why am I experiencing morning sickness right now?'

" Who are they?" Gaara asked.

" Sarada is Sakura, Himawari is Hinata's, and Megami is Naruto and Sasuke." Ino explained.

" Wait, what!!!" Miria Naruto, Mirai Sasuke, Sasuke, Mikoto, and Kushina yelped.

" Minato, we have Grandkids!!" An elated Kushina grip onto Minato's hands.

' I potentially have nephews and nieces.' Itachi's smile underneath his cloak.

"The two behind Shino are the child of Kakashi, Ameri the young woman on the left of Shino and the other the son of Neji and Tenten."

" Neji and Tenten?!!" Neji blushed.

' Nii-san found love.' Hinata felt happy for her cousin.

" Wait Kakashi as a child!?" Minato was left flabbergasted by the white haired male having children, Kushina was overjoyed. " What's her name?"

" My eternal rival has a daughter!!" Gai cried, and ran towards Kakashi to hug the man who was asking for help. ' Can't breathe!'

" Neji's son is Sora while Kakashi's daughter, Umi."

' Can't believe Sasuke has children.' Fugaku looked up at his daughter whose last memories of her were of her as a seven year old.

" Time flies." Mikoto was extremely eager to see her grandchildren.

" How many do we have!" Kushina asked.

" Since when did Kakashi-sensei date anyone!" Mirai Naruto couldn't wrap his head around this development. ' I need to know who!'

" 3."

" We have three!" Kushina's eyes lit up very enthusiastically.

' Three children!' Both future parents were intrigued.

" The arena is the entire forest! You will be battling us and the time limit is 24 hours." Umi explained to the academy student. The students began to have conversions between each other. " What? We have Shino sensei and the others for the exams? This is going to be easy!" A blond hair boy with two familiar whiskers mentioned.

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